Sue brady
The pied Piper of purpose
a Certified Soul’s Calling Coach
“I help women who dream of a life with more meaning but don’t know where to look, find clarity through coaching, and create an action plan to pursue their soul’s calling. “ ~ Sue
Sue's passionate about helping women discover who they really are, their unique genius. She will help you identify what you're here to do; what you can't NOT do with your life.
She will help you understand why this is your mission to share with the world and why it sets your soul on fire. Sue creates a safe space for women over 40 to say, "Hell Yes!" to who they really are.
Here's the common thread among Sue's clients: they dream of a life with more meaning, but don't know where to look.
Sue helps successful working women who are action-oriented find the clarity they seek to design their second act.
They've checked all the boxes and are doing everything right. They're embarrassed to admit they're unhappy and feel like something is missing.
It's no longer OK to live a mediocre life; they realize that something has to change in their day-to-day living.
Sue connects what matters in their life with what they pursue with passion. She helps them rekindle that spark they had when they were young, what sets their soul on fire.
Sue, as the Pied Piper of Purpose, can lead you to your soul's purpose because she's been on that scavenger hunt herself.
Sue turned over every rock she could find, and it wasn't until she began to study the principles and practices of Soul's Calling Coaching that she discovered her Path to Clarity.
Sue is passionate about helping others find their purpose, to share their passion (what you came into this lifetime to do, by the way), so they can live (and honor) their dream.
Sue is a certified Martha Beck Wayfinder Coach and a certified Soul's Calling Coach and Facilitator.
Other certifications that help Sue connect others to their purpose, passion, and joy are:
"I See Your Dream Job" certified Coach, which connects you to your life purpose according to your birth path.
Doreen Virtue Certified Angel Tarot Card Reader, taking a more in-depth, spiritual look at your life purpose.
RYEE Angel Infused Tarot Practitioner.
Like you, Sue is a lifetime learner, always looking for what can help her share her gifts with the world.
If you do nothing, next year, you can expect to be right here, smack dab in the same place you are today. Feeling vaguely unhappy, looking for clarity, but not sure where to look.
If finding clarity and living a life that sets your soul on fire calls to you, then start down the Path to Clarity and find your Soul's Calling.
Get the clarity you need to live the life you came into this world to live through Path to Clarity 1:1 Coaching Program.
Following the Path to Clarity and answering your call to adventure starts today!
Find Your Purpose
Share Your Passion
Live Your Dream
To get your questions answered about 1:1 Life Coaching, schedule your email me at
Sue will help you stop daydreaming about 'What if's.' Instead, you’ll get the answers you seek so you can start making choices that set your soul on fire.
To take the FREE What's Your Life Purpose Quiz, check out the details in the footer below.
With Purpose,
I Am the Pied Piper of Purpose
I AM …
A certified Martha Beck Wayfinder Life Coach
A certified Soul’s Calling Coach & Facilitator
A certified Angel Tarot Reader
A certified ‘I See Your Dream Job’ Coach
A course changer and path maker that has risked it all to follow my heart
A teacher of all things intuition, passion, and purpose
Passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter
A purpose architect that helps women choose courage in the face of the unknown as they design their second act
A truth seeker that creates a safe place for women over 40 to say, “HELL YES,’ to who they are