What’s your LIFE PURPOSE quiz


We all have unique gifts and talents that flavor the work that we do, making what we do our Life Purpose.


If You have ever wondered what your secret sauce is, this quiz will help you uncover your recipe!

What is your unique genius that needs to be on center stage as you do your work in life?  What is it about you that flavors the work you do?

Your unique genius is:

What You Are Good At + What You Enjoy + What You Do Effortlessly

Two people can have the same job, and yet, do it completely different from one another.  

We all have a specific, unique set of gifts and talents that flavor the work that we do, making what we do our Life Purpose

Discovering our own unique way of doing things helps us refine our work until it comes from our Soul. Allowing us to be our most authentic self out there in the world.  

If you've ever wondered what your secret sauce is, this quiz will help you uncover your recipe!

Take the quiz below.  It’s quick and easy, only 7 questions! See what makes you special, unique, and extraordinary!

With your quiz results you will receive a special intuitive card reading for your Life Purpose.


Each week I send out an email that includes a three-card intuitive reading with a message for you, and info about upcoming events. If ever you don’t want to receive this, please, unsubscribe. I hope that the messages will be a blessing to you, but no worries if you choose to stop receiving them.

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Wherever you are on the path to finding your Soul’s Purpose, I can help. It’s not the destination, it’s the journey!




With Purpose,

