

"Surrender what you think you need to release, for your highest good. You're not giving up, it's giving over so that you can be inspired with the next step." ~ Gabby Bernstein

I don't know where you are in the world, but I am in the midwest, and we are enjoying a beautiful Indian Summer. The leaves are turning, and the air is crisp. Sleeping with the window's open gives me that deep, restful sleep, snuggled under the down comforter! It will get into the '80s this week, so it will be a full-court press to get the garden beds ready for winter.

We just had the Harvest Moon and will have another full moon at the end of the month. Mother Nature sure knows how to layout clearly what path she is taking. This is the season of harvesting what is bearing fruit, and cutting down and discarding what no longer has a purpose.

What has surfaced this past week concerning harvesting is surrendering. The farmer surrenders the part of the plant that bore the food he will put in the storehouse. The leaves are surrendering and floating to the ground. The birds are leaving their summer home and heading for their winter locale. If this is the way of nature, then why do I have so much trouble surrendering what no longer serves me? The things that are out of season in my life.

Today I've had to surrender my peace of mind. I've never noticed how much noise pollution we have. As I was walking the dog, I had to turn off my book I was listening to because I couldn't hear it. There was a parade of city trucks lumbering by. They were on their way to trim trees, I guess, vital work for the community, but wowzer, they were loud.

Every day I have to surrender my sanity. Living with a 20-year-old who knows EVERYTHING can be extremely draining, but I'm learning to let it roll off my shoulders.

Feeling dismayed over the choices that others in my life are making can be stressful. Still, again, I have to release it to the Universe. We all get to make our own mistakes, right?

The upcoming election - Surrendered. I've done my part by voting and have to let the rest of the US population do theirs.

The pandemic - Surrendered. I do what I can to social distance, wear a mask, and respect others' wishes.

Surrendering what we can do nothing about frees us to use our energy to pursue our true calling in life. If we don't yet know what that calling is, it clears the static from the airwaves to so we hear what calls to us.

Check out this week's reading and see what it is you need to release.

"When you hold on too tight, you stop the flow, and if you release what you are holding onto, you start the flow again." ~ Gabby Bernstein

I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

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Sue Brady