Your Purpose is to “Lead with love not war”

Your purpose in life is to grab the wheel and steer your team towards success. No matter how big or small the task, you give it your all. What’s the point in doing anything halfway, right?

You see challenges as opportunities to prove yourself. Roadblocks that others run from motivate you to push harder and jump higher. On top of that, your tendency to challenge the status quo means you’re naturally innovative. You find new, unexpected solutions to old problems.

Here’s the thing, though, sometimes your direct, decisive communication style can come off a little too strong. Without checking yourself, you might overstep your authority and end up turning your team against you.

Make them feel valued by listening to their feedback, and you’re sure to come out on top. ‘There’s no I in team’ is a cliché for a reason, friend!

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." 

– Steve Jobs.

Three quick tips to help you find your life’s purpose...

1. Get Clear on Your Current Circumstances

It’s hard to see a path forward without knowing where you stand. If you spend hours trying to sort out what you want, what you love to do, and how to be yourself – or even believe in yourself, you’re so not alone.

It’s totally normal to find yourself frozen by all the choices out there. But when this happens, you’ve got to take action… If you don’t, you might give up your power.

Instead, try turning inwards and taking stock of your current circumstances. What’s lifting you up? And what’s weighing you down? Why haven’t you taken those necessary steps towards the future of your dreams?

The best way to turn inward is to spend time each day doing a spiritual connection.  Whether that is meditation, walking, or journaling, spending time looking inward rather than outward, will help you find the answers you seek.  

Check out this awesome free resource: The Practice of Soul Connection that can help you with that spiritual connection.

2. Investigate Your Limiting Beliefs

Sometimes it’s the smallest things that hold us back the most. This isn’t to suggest that beliefs are something to turn your nose up at – they’re a powerful, life-shifting force… But they’re also easily overlooked.

Why? Well, it’s hard to objectively examine something you’ve always understood as a fundamental truth.

Maybe no one has ever encouraged you to turn your gaze inwards and examine the thoughts that underlie your actions and inaction – I want to be that person. Because I’m willing to bet that your beliefs have everything to do with your current circumstances.

Our circumstances trigger our thoughts.

Our thoughts cause our feelings.

Our feelings create our actions.

Our actions give us our results.

Our results always support our original thought.

So when we end up doing or saying something we regret, it’s a good bet that our original thought lays at the root of it.  You have to ask yourself if that original thought is true.  Good chance it’s not.

3. Take Small Steps Towards Your Goal

Once you’ve gained a bit of clarity about your life’s purpose, set some mini-goals to help get you there. Think of things you can take immediate action on. Say you want to find a fulfilling, satisfying job, make a commitment to check Indeed on a daily basis to see what promising opportunities are posted.

Setting yourself bite-sized goals will give you a sense of achievement and build up your confidence. So when it’s time to answer your soul’s calling, you feel fully capable.

Wait a minute – let me introduce myself...

Hi, I’m Sue Brady

I’m a certified Soul’s Calling coach who specializes in helping women who dream of a life with more meaning, but don’t know where to look, find clarity, creating an action plan to pursue their soul’s calling.

I’m passionate about helping women discover who they really are, their unique genius.  I can help you identify what you're here in this lifetime to do; what you can't NOT do with your life.  

I can help you understand why this is your mission to share with the world and why it sets your soul on fire.  I create a safe space for women to say, "Hell Yes!" to who they really are.

I help successful working women who are action takers find the clarity they seek to design their second act.

I connect what matters in your life with what you pursue with passion. Rekindling that spark you had when you were young, what sets your soul on fire.

As the Pied Piper of Purpose, I can lead you to your soul's purpose because I’ve been on that scavenger hunt myself. 

If you do nothing, next year, you can expect to be right here, smack dab in the same place you are today. Feeling vaguely unhappy, looking for clarity, but not sure where to look.  

If finding clarity and living a life that sets your soul on fire calls to you, then start down the Path to Clarity and find your Soul's Calling.  

Get the clarity you need to follow your soul’s calling through the

Path to Clarity 1:1 Coaching Program.

Extra resources to help you find a life that’s in alignment with your life’s purpose...

1. Check out my blog…Conjuring Mojo ~ Moving Into Joy! I post articles weekly on topics ranging from finding your unique path to pursing what speaks to your heart.

2. Follow me on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date with my online workshop series. And no worries if you’re a bit late to the game – you can jump in at any point for life-transforming tips!

3. If you’re interested in finding out more about The Path to Clarity 1:1 Coaching Program, if you have questions, schedule a FREE Assessment session, or drop me an email.

P.S. Expect to see me in your inbox telling you how I found the clarity to pursue my Soul’s Calling




With Purpose,


To get your questions answered about 1:1 Life Coaching, schedule your FREE Assessment session, or email me at  

Here's a special intuitive card reading for you. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and ask this question, “What do I need to know about my purpose in life?”

Then watch the video below.