Photo by Jeremy Thomas ~ Unsplash

Photo by Jeremy Thomas ~ Unsplash

Quiz result: to be in control 

Not all people who want to be in control are good leaders. A good leader makes the difference between success and failure. You must use your life purpose leadership powers in the best interest of the world.

Here are some qualities of leaders that operate from a place of raising the vibration of the planet. These are just a few of their amazing qualities:

1. Vision and Purpose - My favorite quality ever. Having the vision that moves us forward to accomplish our mission. The mission that is related to the purpose of our business, our family life, our health, whatever we are in control of.

2. Inspiring Others - We can't do it all alone. We will never accomplish our mission unless we encourage others to follow our lead. This would also include being able to delegate and empower others along the way.

3. Commitment and Passion - What keeps the fire burning in our bellies? Being committed to the outcome and keeping the vibration high as we follow what calls to us. This real Soul Work.

If you feel the need to be in control, please step up to your calling and lead others as you strive to bring your vision to life. Using other qualities you possess like accountability, resilience, transparency, and humility. If you lead from this place, where your heart is centered, others will follow. The world needs you.

We are standing by to follow your lead.

Here's a special intuitive card reading for you. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and ask this question. Then watch the video below.

"How can I use my Life Purpose of wanting to be in control to help lead others?"

Find Your Purpose. Share Your Passion.

With Purpose,
