Photo by Ali Abdul Rahman ~ Unsplash

Photo by Ali Abdul Rahman ~ Unsplash

Quiz result: to help others

Someone who's life purpose comes from a place of helping others, can sense the needs of other people, whether family, friends, colleagues, or strangers. These Nurturers, these Caregivers, are Angels that have come straight down from Heaven to help us.

Here are some other traits of Nurturing Caregivers:

  1. They notice how you are feeling and have a keen ability to observe their surroundings. They can intuit your feelings, read a room, and access a situation very quickly. This allows them to adapt to their surroundings seamlessly.

  2. Caregivers are compassionate and give freely to others from a bottomless well of strength and stamina.

  3. Caregivers are often first responders, volunteers, health service workers, parents, teachers...this list is endless.

  4. Caregivers tend to nourish others physically, as well as emotionally. They give without a second thought.

I want to gift you a special intuitive reading today. Please take a deep breath and ask yourself this question, then watch the video for your intuitive reading.  

“How am I being called today, to use my Life Purpose, of Helping Others?

On behalf of the world, I thank you for sharing your life purpose of nurturing and caregiving with the rest of us. We owe you!

Find Your Purpose. Share Your Passion.

With Purpose,
