Every Pot has a lid and i’m looking for mine…
Why does it seem so dad-gum hard to meet a nice man/woman? Where's the magic, from days gone by, where couples met by chance and a life of love and togetherness resulted?
You have friends who are on their 2nd or 3rd marriages, and you're left standing on the curb, wondering what the heck is wrong with you.
As you sit and listen, again, to the gal pal who is tackling online dating like it’s an Olympic Sport, you want to smother her with a pillow. I mean, you've tried online dating in the past, and new relationships never seemed to get off the ground.
Has your dating life hit a dry spot that would rival the Sahara Desert? I mean, you can't even claim you're ships that pass in the night, just a worn-out dingy beached on the shore!
I don't know about you, but I have parents and Aunts and Uncles that were all married 65 years or more.
For that to happen for me, I'll have to live to be 127, AND that's if I meet and marry him tomorrow!
But I'm not looking for quantity, I'm looking for quality, and the time is now!
I subscribe to the thought that every pot has a lid, and I’m looking for mine!
I am starting this journey to find love after returning from a fantastic retreat in Baja, Mexico, hosted by Arielle Ford. Arielle has written many books, and the one she used at this retreat is called "Soulmate Secret."
It was an enlightening week, spent with 17 other amazing women, all looking for their special someone. We laughed, cried, and pondered the many tidbits of learning that Arielle shared with us. What stood out for me was the number of limiting beliefs that the women brought with them to Mexico, along with their luggage.
As a life coach, it was easy for me to spot the obstacles that littered the path for each participant. I was able to engage with some of the ladies. Through coaching, they were able to drop some of the resistance they felt to trying a new approach to dating.
It's a daunting thought to be pursuing your special someone in this digital, social media age. I’, thinking it might be more comfortable if a group of us tackled the quest together. Each on our own path with our own goal in mind with the support of others along the way. (And maybe a glass of wine or two, just saying!)
What is your soul calling for in the area of love?
As you may know, I am passionate about having a purpose in life. Purpose doesn't always mean a j.o.b. Your purpose can be helping others, caring for the environment, tending to animals, or balancing ledgers for a business. Your purpose can also be to raise the vibration of the universe by sharing your love with another human being. I think sharing our love with others is the foundation of what having purpose is all about.
What makes life coaching work in situations like this is the premise that our feelings are based on our thoughts. Our thoughts are not necessarily real. They aren't wrong, they’re our interpretation of what our experiences have been. Coaching helps us look more closely at our thoughts, which allows us to keep what helps us and discard what holds us back. This is work that I love to do, and I have been certified to help others through.
Here's what I propose. I want to gather together a small group of like-minded souls who are open to the adventure of looking for love in 2020. This will be a super casual collection of like-minded souls, looking for love, stumbling along together. I’m calling this the Soul’s Calling Soulmate Circle.
We will meet locally at my house, sitting around on comfy furniture in front of the fire. (If someone is interested in doing this from long distance, let me know. With enough interest, we can form an online Zoom group.)
There will be 6 weeks of sharing, caring, and creation of an individual game plans for each of us.
Weekly topics will include:
Week 1: Sharing who you are, your story, your hopes, your fears. Releasing the old, creating a vacuum that will bring in the new.
Week 2: Gratitude - Where is there love and abundance showing up in your life today? What's your vibration/frequency related to finding love? Creating your Act of Faith.
Week 3: How do you want to feel when your soulmate shows up?
-Creating a Joy Board to capture those feelings.
Week 4: Online Dating with guest speaker
-How to become visible and available?
Week 5: Writing profiles - Must-Haves and Deal Breakers
Week 6: Sharing Experiences and next steps
Join me at the start of this new decade to become the Queen/King of Manifestation that I know you can be. Join me on this crazy journey to find grown-up love. Going it alone is scary.
Along the way, we will discover how our lives are already filled with love. If we show gratitude for what we already have, we will open the floodgates to attract more. We will spend time identifying our story, why we tell ourselves we haven't found love. I guarantee it's not because all the good ones are taken!
We will examine what it is that scares us about becoming visible to others in this process. As a group, we will gather the courage needed to take a step forward down an unfamiliar path. I am here to guide you through this maze and to cushion your landing as you take a leap of faith.
There will be action steps to take along the way, this will help you feel like you are moving forward. We will get creative and identify not just what we are looking for in our mate, but how we will feel once we have met and are sharing our lives with them.
We know that doing the same thing, over and over again, is the definition of insanity. Only you know if you are ready to do something different. I am hoping you are prepared to join a group of awesome, like-minded souls, as we start our journey to find love!
This will be a beta test group, so I am pricing it to allow for the missteps and course-corrections needed to get it right. (Sounds like my love life!)
Six Mondays
2/17/20 - 3/23/20 6:30 PM - 8 PM
What's Included:
A cozy place to gather
Understanding and a compassionate ear
Coaching for the obstacles that show up in your path
Encouragement to allow yourself to become visible in this process
All-inclusive price of $120 covers the cost of all 6 weeks.
If you have questions, please drop me an email at sue@piedpiperofpurpose.com. We can jump on the phone and I’ll answer your questions.
If you’re ready to find your LID, sign up for the Soul’s Calling Soulmate Circle here.
With Purpose,