Turn Down The Sparkle


Soul Connection

Have you ever had someone rain on your parade? Forcing their view of who you should be and how you should act, onto you, dimming your inner light and crushing your spirit? Have you ever had others try to dim your sparkle?

Many years ago I was at dinner with some fabulous people that I had just recently met. We were having a marvelous time. Picture table full of people laughing, telling stories and genuinely enjoying the moment. And just as I had that thought, “ I haven't had this much fun in a long time!" Someone came along to burst my bubble.

Unexpectedly, one of the gentlemen at the table leaned over and said to me, loud enough for the others to hear, “it's too bad you're so outspoken, you're a good looking woman, you'd make a good catch.” WTF? Now mind you, we weren’t talking politics or other emotionally charged topics. We were telling funny stories, that were laugh-out-loud funny.

So many responses flew through my mind as everyone at the table watched to see how I would respond. I was afraid most people would choke on their drink if I said what I was thinking out loud. So I settled for the safe standby that my mother would have been proud of; I merely smiled and changed the subject.

The learning here is that this was not about who this man was, it was about who I was at this time in my life. I was not someone who was living an authentic life. I was not owning who I was or the gifts and talents that I offered to the world. I indeed wasn’t speaking my truth and standing up for myself. I let this man try to put me in my place simply because I didn't measure up to his idea of how a woman should act. I mean seriously, I never got the memo that one should dial back the laughter when having a fantastic time!

Long story short, on more than one occasion I have had my truth, my actual being, called into question because it didn't measure up to someone else's punch list of acceptable qualities in a woman. For many years I let these types of individuals dim my sparkle. I allowed them to make me feel bad and question who I was and what I believed. I’ve allowed others to tell me who I should be, how I should act, what dreams I should follow, and how I should walk my path in life. No wonder I felt unhappy in my own life. It wasn’t my authentic life that was calling to me, it was a version that other people deemed acceptable.

It took me some time and a lot of hard work to finally find how to connect with my true self, the one that makes me sparkle. I’ll give you a hint as to what helped…a soul connection practice. A soul connection practice is something that you do daily, that allows you to get quiet and connect to the deepest part of yourself. This is the place where all the answers and solutions to your challenges reside. With regular practice of connecting to your soul, you will tap that deep inner knowing about who you are at your core, your authentic self. It’s the part of you that lights the fire deep within, feeding the flames until the sparkle that is genuinely you shines from your eyes and catches your world on fire. Then all you need to do is let your light shine, and you will draw others to you like moths to the flame!

Here are a couple of examples of a Soul Connection practice:

- Meditation - a great old standby. Nothing beats getting quiet and going within to tap into your true essence.

- Daily Oracle Card Readings - If you enjoy connecting to your intuition via throwing cards, such as Tarot, Oracle, Lenormand or such, this is a great way to check in daily to see what message Spirit has for you.

- Automatic Writing - Sit quietly after some deep breathing and ask your Higher Power or Spirit Guides to answer a question. Write out your question with your dominant hand, then quietly go within and wait for the answer. When it arrives, write it out with your non-dominant hand.

- Walking Meditation - Going out for a walk is a great way to problem solve and connect with your soul. Leave the headphones at home and drink in the sounds of nature and your surroundings. Upon return, make some notes on any idea's or insights that showed up on your walk.

These are just a few of many ways you can connect to your soul daily and develop a relationship with this deep part of yourself. This is where your answers lie! This knowledge will show you what is right for you when you are seeking guidance and solutions to life's daily challenges.

If you are interested in learning to listen to the calling of your soul, I offer a weekly message of courage, called Conjuring Mojo! This message is delivered directly into your inbox. Conjuring Mojo! will arrive on Wednesday's, hump day, this is the day where the two hardest days might be behind us, but we’re not quite done with the week. We’re pushing for the weekend, and we need that extra lift to get us to the finish line. No matter which stands before for the balance of the week, these messages will show you how you can change your direction, change your energy, and conquer the challenges before you. Whatever your problem, hopefully, you’ll find comfort in the words and guidance this reading will give you.

If you would like to receive Conjuring Mojo!, your weekly message of courage, in your inbox each Wednesday, sign up here.

#ConjuringMojo #DimYourSparkle #SoulConnection


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Sue Brady