Resistance Sucks!

"Resistance is the loss of energy that results when you attempt, with your thoughts and your feelings, to change a person, event, or circumstance." 

~ Gary Zukav & Linda Francis "The Heart of the Soul."


Well, shoot. Everybody has a hobby, and some days I think mine is attempting to change the world with my thoughts and feelings alone. I agree that we should expect the best in all things, but there comes a time when you have to accept what is.  

Just writing that sentence, though, makes my hair stand on end. It's not intuitive for me to only accept what comes my way. I always want the upgrade to better or best. I was a buyer of products and goods for many years. My categories ranged from men and women's underwear to grand piano's, to prune juice. We always followed the thought process of "good, better, best" in our buying decisions. Where in that formula did our customers reside? Was good, good enough for them? Did they expect better? Or did they absolutely have to have the best in all things?

Let me point out as well that there is a significant difference in the cost of products between the markers of "good" versus "best." Sometimes we can only afford "good," and that has to be enough. The pain associated with accepting something "good" versus something "best" only comes into play when you resist accepting what is.  

Pushing against "good" when you want "best" can tie you up in knots if you're unable to affect the outcome. Can you change the course of the river? Trying to get it to flow upstream can cause you much stress.  

Look at the list of things in your life that are causing you stress. Can you open yourself up to the possibility of accepting the situation the way it is? Or do you want to drain your energy trying to push the river? Accepting what is, is the starting point of seeing clearly what you want and don't want in your life.

"Accepting the present moment doesn't mean that you cannot change your life. On the contrary, it allows you to see clearly what needs to be changed!"

~ Gary Zukav & Linda Francis

When you know where you are, you can see how you need to course-correct to get to where you want to go. Accepting your situation doesn't mean that you allow it to keep you down or to hold you back. As I have said multiple times in the past, if it's not a Hell YES, it's a NO! Stop resisting what is. Accept your life as it is and then decide where you want your next steps to take you!

"To change your life, you must accept your life."

~ Gary Zukav & Linda Francis

I know how it feels to push against what is and dream about doing something different. What helped me when I stood at the fork in the road was a plan of action and emotional support as I pursued my purpose.  

My life purpose involves helping women who heard the message that their dreams don't matter, who are disillusioned and are living a life without meaning. I lend support while we craft a plan of action to find and pursue their purpose.  

Nothing is more painful than admitting that you don't know what your passion and purpose are, leaving you to live a life without meaning. When I was in your position, I felt the same way as you. I was frustrated and disillusioned.

Well, not any more! I have found the Path to Clarity, and it starts with a 30/60 minute Oracle Card reading. I am an intuitive Angel Tarot Certified Reader. I offer guidance and insight into the situations in your life based on the current energy surrounding you. A reading will give you insight into changes you can make in your life that will move your energy in a new direction.  So what needs to change in your life so that you can stop resisting what is?

Check out the available readings here.

With purpose,


Sue Brady