Are You Wearing A Mask?

"For me, finding and answering my calling took a lot of courage, inner knowing, and determination - which, considering my calling is to awaken Lightworkers to their authentic light and soul's calling, is a pretty good path to tread." ~ Rebecca Campbell


I recently bought a Rebecca Campbell book, "Light Is The New Black: A Guide To Answering Your Soul's Calling And Working Your Light." I had read it before when I checked it out of the library, and I enjoyed it enough to choose to buy myself a copy. I decided to order a used copy off Amazon.

When the book arrived, I settled in to read some of my favorite passages. I was startled to find that the previous owner had written in the book. What surprised me was not that they wrote in the book; after all, it was a used copy. What startled me was that the writing was so deeply personal and revealing about their life experience.

"I always remember times when struggling with social anxiety. I did not feel like enough, and therefore, was anxious. It still happens today. Especially around those who are too limited to understand my unique light (small town). Do Not limit yourself for the limited." 

~Anoymously written in my new, old book

What was so curious about this to me was that today I decided, in honor of Halloween, that I was going to write about the masks we wear to hide our gifts from those that don't understand. I picked up my new, old book and let it fall open, and the chapter it landed on was "The Fear Of Being Seen," and Ms. Anoymous's quote was at the bottom of the page. Wowzer, that's quite a coincidence, don't you think?

Do you hide who you are from the world? Do you dim your light around others that may not quite understand who you are and what you are about? I'm not advocating that you be a shove it in your face kind of personality, but letting your insides spill out to your outsides is not a bad thing. Unless, of course, you were at a beer bust earlier, and consumed too much. Just saying!

Sharing your uniqueness with the world can be a wonderfully, freeing experience. Yes, it takes courage, but so does most things that are worth doing in life. 

Think back to a time in your life when you consciously decided that who you are and what lights you up wasn't something to share with others. What happened? What does your younger self need to hear now about their uniqueness?

Take the mask off and share your awesomeness with the world!!

"Flowers don't open and close according to who is walking by. They open and show their beauty regardless.""

~ Rebecca Campbell

With Purpose,


Sue Brady