Choose to Shine


When we were young, we could shine like there was no tomorrow. We don't know that dancing with abandon at the grocery store, in our pink tutu, wasn't a totally acceptable thing to do. That inviting the repairman, working in the street, to your birthday party is odd. (Yes, I did that when I was 4.)

Somewhere along the way, our light gets restrained. Our enthusiasm gets curbed. Our shine is dimmed.  

I was watching a show last evening and heard an interesting snippet from one of the actresses. They said, "Are you living a black and white life while dreaming in technicolor?"  What would it take to live your life in color?  

Growing up, there was always a well-meaning adult that was trying to help us grow into adulthood and managed to get us to turn down our light. For me, those well-meaning adults were the nuns at my local grade school. God love them, their hearts were in the right place even if their rulers weren't.  

But the time for blaming others for the way we live our life is in the past. It is up to us to claim our brightness and to share it with others.  

A great way to claim our light and start to shine again is to discover our Soul's Calling. An excellent starting point for determining your Soul's Calling is to create your Life Purpose Statement.

What is a Life Purpose Statement?  It's a compilation statement that expresses who we are at our core. It's a representation of what we stand for in our life. It's the starting point of gathering all the bits and pieces that makeup you, organized into a statement that resonates with your soul.

Sound like something that might interest you?  If so, I am offering a free online workshop, "Creating Your Life Purpose Statement," on Saturday, November 23, 2019, at 10 AM CST.  

Together we will look at your gifts, talents, and passions. We'll add in the areas of your life where you'd like to have an impact and how what you value plays into the equation. It's an eye-opening exercise that makes it relatively simple to capture the essence of you.

I would love to have you join me to create Your Life Purpose Statement! Click the link here to reserve your spot!

With purpose,


Sue Brady