Moving In A New Direction

Follow the Compass of your heart…

Follow the Compass of your heart…

I sat in the cafe, staring out the window, captivated by the scenery. I was thinking back to my conversation about "If it's not a Hell Yes, it's a NO!" Off in the distance, a large, fluffy, white cloud slowly made its way across the top of a heavily wooded hill. As it progressed, it left parts of itself snagged in the tall evergreen boughs, like a cotton ball dragged across a rough surface. Leaving remnants behind, clinging to the branches of the trees.

I felt like I was that cloud, leaving remnants of myself, as I traversed this past summer and early fall, answering the call to adventure. I've been to Canada, Mexico, Seattle, California, Oregon, and the Lake of the Ozarks. I felt confident as I started my travels that I would clearly see at the season's end, what path I would follow into the future. The path that would lead me to my next adventure.

For me, adventure equals discovery, about myself and my passions. Discovery leads to illumination, what lights me up inside. Illumination turns into clear seeing, a confidence that the path I have chosen is the one for me. Clear seeing gives me peace in my heart, knowing that I am right where I need to be.

I love adventure and discovery! One of my favorite TV shows is The Curse of Oak Island. Two brothers relentlessly searching for adventure and discovery by digging up an entire island in Nova Scotia, seeking buried treasure. I root them on weekly, holding my breath as they discover new items and theories. The one fantastic thing they find each week is that what they are doing isn't working!

Instead of discovering treasure each week, they find out that the path they are following isn't working. While this might sound discouraging, it's actually a gift. They can scratch that particular action off their list and move in a new direction. Sometimes it's scientific data that allows them to call a halt to what they are doing. More often than not, it's a gut feeling that helps them change course.

Did you know that your body knows the answers you seek, long before your mind? It's that gut feeling we get and often dismiss, that holds the key to joy and happiness in our life. Following the sensations in our body, whether you call it your Truth Meter, Body Compass, or your Lie Detector, it just can't be beaten when it comes to seeking your truth.  

I tried really hard this summer to talk myself into taking a good-paying in another state. I pursued the opportunity and tried really hard to talk myself into it. It started as a HELL NO, but I managed to work it into a lukewarm yes, using my logical mind. I finally surrendered to the feelings in my body, i.e., the knot in my stomach, vague headache, tight shoulders. Once I said NO to the opportunity, my body literally sighed with relief. This was clearly not my next adventure. While my body knew it, my logical mind was working overtime to force it into being.

I encourage you to try following the sensations in your body as you make decisions. How does the Yes feel in your body? Is it a good feeling like warm taffy, butterfly wings, sunshine on your face? Or is it a tight, anxious feeling, a sour taste in your mouth, or a pain in your shoulder blades? Your body is telling you what is in your best interest. It may not tell you why it's not right for you, but it will never, ever steer you wrong.

As I continue to follow this path of "it's not a Hell YES, it's a NO," I will continue to scratch off the roads that won't lead me to my treasure. By golly, maybe I will throw my shovel in the back of the car and join the boys of Oak Island. I know the treasure lies below the surface, I just need to continue to dig (and trust the feelings in my body!)

Do you need help calibrating your Body Compass, learning to trust your gut instincts? I would love to help! Drop me a quick email, and we can schedule a time for a complimentary Calibrating your Compass session, so it shows you what your HELL YES feels like!

With Purpose,


Sue Brady