If It's Not a HELL YES, It's a NO!


"Every decision we make either takes us closer or further away from ourselves. Often it's hard to tune in to the subtle energy, but deep down everything is either a 'yes' or a 'no.' Feel good or feel not as good. Brightness or darkness." ~ Rebecca Campbell

You know, our bodies know before our minds, what is in our best interest. It is our job to learn to listen to the way we feel, to lead us to our best life, not what we logically think is right for us.

This is much easier said than done when you are first learning to make decisions this way. But we light up the world by following what lights us up. What lights us up is always linked to a 'Hell Yes" and never linked to a 'NO.'

Try it for just a day. When standing at the crossroads of every decision you have to make today, choose only the 'HELL YES!"  I'll bet it will be the best day of your life to date!

"Your soul is always gently pointing you in the right direction, and subtly edging you closer toward the things that light you up. "

~ Rebecca Campbell

I AM so excited to be a part of your journey to discover Your Life Purpose.  It can be an elusive hunt to find your Purpose but one that is well worth the effort. 

I have walked the same path as you so I know how frustrating it can be to feel lost or like you are living someone else's dream for your life. I am over the moon that I have discovered my Purpose and honored to be of service to you, as you look to discover yours.

Let me know how I can help you on your journey.  

Maybe a Soul Session with Sue ~ Finding Your Soul's Purpose Reading is just the ticket to help you on your Path To Clarity!  Book now!

With Purpose,




Sue Brady