

“Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.” ~ Webster’s Dictionary

Well let me just tell you, I am a master at steadfastness, sticktoitiveness (yes this is a word), single-mindedness, persistence, and my favorite, spunk!  

I always thought that having this trait was attributed to my mid-western upbringing. Now I think it's just plain old stubbornness that keeps me hot in pursuit of getting things done.

Many of you have reached out saying you've been focusing on achieving your goals. The consensus is you've run into a dry patch. It seems the effort going in far outweighs the results generated. I hate it when this happens!

Sticking to your plan to achieve individual goals in life, whether you are a stay at home mom, an entrepreneur, or have a traditional job, is at the root of perseverance. However, trying to achieve something while doing the same thing over and over again the same way, is the definition of insanity.

Perhaps it's time for us to mix things up or think outside the box and approach our goals from a different direction.

There's a great book by Napoleon Hill called "Think and Grow Rich." It has been rewritten from a women's point of view by Sharon Lechter called "Think and Grow Rich for Women." Both are fabulous reads.  

One of the premises of the book is about goal setting. Napoleon Hill says the 3 things you need to do to achieve your goals are:

  1. Write your goal down on a card.

  2. Carry the card with you always.

  3. Read the card as often as possible.

He believes this practice will help you rewire your brain to live from a place of attraction.

"Whatever the mind of a man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." ~ Napoleon Hill

I would like to add a fourth step:

         4. After reading the card, turn over your goals to Spirit, your Higher Power, your Angels, or all of the above, asking them to show you the best way to work on your goals today. 

 Ask them to show you a new way to approach achieving it. Then follow the nudges that show up, not questioning the insight you suddenly have. Accept and give it a try! Don't give up on your goals, persevere, and look for new ways to approach them. 

“You attract what you think, and you receive what you believe.” ~ Abraham Hicks

No one ever said that working to achieve our goals would be easy, but it sure is worth it.  Don't give up, just ask for help from Spirit to switch up your plan of attack!

“Anything worth doing is worth doing well.” ~ Mom

With Purpose,


Sue Brady