Fall Equinox


Next Monday will be the first day of Fall. Hard to believe that summer is at an end. Especially when temps in my neck of the woods are still in the low '90s and the humidity is off the charts.  

What I love about Fall is the changing of the leaves and the crispness of the air, not the droopy green foliage and the swampy humidity of a lingering Summer. The funny part is, this year the changing of the seasons is mirroring the changes in my life.  

I am anxiously awaiting something new to arrive. I have that excited expectation that any minute the magical changing of the seasons in my life will kick into high gear. Instead, I am getting temps of low '90s with wilted foliage. Sigh. Nothing ever happens when we expect it to.

But change is inevitable and will arrive when it damn well pleases. So as we anxiously await the red and gold leaves and the faint smell of wood smoke from the autumn bonfires, I will offer up some encouragement from the oracle cards. 

Contemplate this as I start to shuffle the cards..."What does Fall have in store for me?"

"But when Fall comes, kicking summer out on its treacherous ass as it always does one day after the midpoint of September, it stays awhile like an old friend that you have missed."

~ Stephen King

Join me this Saturday 9/21/19 for a Vision Walk, where we look for answers to our questions in the symbols of nature. Get more info here:

With Purpose,




Sue Brady