Life Purpose Statement


"We begin to find and become ourselves when we notice how we are already found, already truly, entirely, wildly messily, marvelously who we were born to be." ~ Anne Lamott

I've always admired people who knew from an early age what they wanted to be when they grew up. That was not the path I followed. I hunted under rocks, asked questions, read books, sat in meditation. Sigh. It was the ultimate scavenger hunt for sure.

What I did find along the way was the realization that all the answers we seek lie within. Hmmm, who would've thunk it!

What do I mean by this?  Who we are meant to be is already wrapped up with a bow.  We don't have to go out in search of it.

When we unwrap the gift and look at our:

  • Gifts and talents - What comes easily for us, like humor

  • Passions - Our favorite things to do, like hiking

  • Desires - What we Can't Not do

  • Values - The very fabric of who we are

  • Community - What issues speak to our heart

We then begin to see who we really are. When the mystery has faded away, we can embrace our true essence and start to share it with the world. These 5 components make up who you are and what your purpose is all about.

Join me to create your own YOUR LIFE PURPOSE STATEMENT. Let's pull back the curtain and see what your true essence is!

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With purpose,


Sue Brady