Modern Elders

I had an incredible experience this past week. I went away to a grown-up camp at a magical place called Modern Elder Academy ( I will post some pictures below of the fantastic campus they have.  

There were 18 women in our cohort. Each amazing in their own way. While at camp, we learned about what it means to be a modern elder. An Elder used to be considered old, like uncle Larry in his '70's, with that Gawd awful denture breath. However, today, people are living longer, working longer, and wanting a life with more meaning along the way. The concept of what is considered middle aged is shifting to encompass a much younger age. At the academy, you learn to navigate the midlife journey and reframe a lifetime of experience.

As teenagers, we are given all kinds of prep to ease into our first chapter of adulthood. In midlife, it's pretty much, every man for himself. Some of us ease into it and others run full force into the abyss, kicking and screaming as we go.

When my son was a baby and starting to crawl, I was given a precise list of how to childproof my home, so he couldn't hurt himself. No one has a list like this for me now, and let me tell you, danger lurks around every corner now that I'm, well, an elder.

We are going to live much longer, we'll need more money, but more importantly, we will need to continue to create meaning in our life. This week I spent at MEA was all about adjusting my mindset to help me develop possibilities for my future that will bring extended purpose into my life. Elder proofing was a fantastic by-product of the week.  

"Over the past 120 years or so, we have added an average of 35 years of life. This means we are all going to be older for a lot longer." ~ Mary Catherine Bateson

I simply can't sum up how amazing my experience was or how it changed me. Still, it brought me back to the present with increased enthusiasm to help others find their purpose in life.

Please do yourself a favor and check out the workshops at Modern Elder Academy, you'll be so happy you did. Oh, and did I mention, they offer scholarships! Yep, I received a $3,500 scholarship to go. I paid for my airfare, and a $500 deposit and the rest was gifted to me! Unbelievable! So run, don't walk, to your computer and pull up Modern Elder Academy!

As this year comes to a close, there is no better way to prepare for the New Year than to participate in the Vision Book Workshop!

Intentionally Manifest Your Dreams in the

Create Your Life

Vision Book Workshop



10 AM to 3 PM

Get more info and check out the details by clicking the links above.  

My gift to you, as we move into 2020, is a $20 discount off the workshop if you sign up by 12/31/19 using coupon code VBW2020.

With Purpose,



Sue Brady