Manifesting Your Purpose


I am amazed at how easy it is to manifest something when it is in alignment with your higher good. Perhaps it's fate or good old fashioned mojo conjuring. Some things seem to happen as if by magic, but when you look back, you can see they are part of your bigger plan in life.

My example of manifesting is this.  I studied Mediumship about 3 years ago. A full-year program with a local teacher. It was fascinating and scary at the same time. Who am I to think I can receive messages from Spirit, right? That's crazy! I put the learning on the shelf and never really did anything with it. I didn't recognize that I lacked confidence when it came to using this gift.

In the past few weeks, the thought about resurrecting (haha) this skill set has come up on my radar. Nothing more than a passing thought. But then, several things happened in one week.  

First, I found myself having a conversation about Mediumship with a friend of mine, and how I'd like to try my hand at it again.  Then I threw some Lenormand cards about various aspects of my business, wondering if I should include Mediumship. I used a 9 card spread, with the bottom row being specific to involving Mediumship in what I do.  

(Picture below)

There are 4 cards there in the bottom row.  

The first was the Woman representing Me.

The second was the Tower, representing a business, and concerning the woman, it means I am the CEO.

The third card is The Birds, representing 2 People talking.

Then I asked, "Who am I speaking with?" and threw the 4th card. It was the Coffin.  Speaking to dead people!  (Holy Mackeral, you can't make this stuff up!)

Then an email popped into my inbox from a teacher I met at a workshop several years ago; she is a gifted Medium. Guess what? She is launching a new 15-week Mediumship program in 3 weeks. I seriously have not had an email come in for several years about Mediumship classes. This was unusual for sure.  

Lastly, I was doing a Life Purpose Reading for a young woman, and the day before the reading, I asked, during meditation, if Spirit had a message for her. I sat quietly, then began to write what came to me. I, of course, doubted that I was really getting a message from Spirit that I was making it all up. Then unexpectedly, a name popped into my head, "Grandma Rose." Well, this is my mom's name, so now I am confident that I am making it up, but I kept writing.

The next day, after doing the card reading with my client, I asked her if she had a grandma and if she had passed. She said, "No, my grandma is alive." I said, "Oh, well, I had received a message from you from Grandma Rose. Did you also have a Grandma Rose?" She said, "Yes, a great-grandma Rose." I promptly fell off my chair! I gave her the message, and she shared with me that her dad had just given her something special that belonged to Grandma Rose. The coincidence was uncanny!

I don't know about you, but I only have to be slapped upside the head twice before I start to pay attention to what is calling me. So, yes, I signed up for the online Mediumship class, and this time around, I am going to practice until the confidence I need is second nature. When it's in alignment with your larger plan in life, it seems like all the pieces line up. Class starts today!

Once I get started, I will be looking for some guinea pigs to practice on. Let me know if you are interested!


With Purpose,


Sue Brady