Real Chocolate


Love is in the air, or should I say, Valentine's Candy is out on the shelf, everywhere you go. Years ago, I was the candy buyer for a grocery store chain with stores across the US. We would actually select and purchase our candy assortment for the big single-day event 11 months in advance.  

It's hard to imagine, but some chocolate candy is actually more romantic than others. Some chocolate offerings are more serious, and some more playful. Some are downright relationship neutral. Oh, and then there's the fake chocolate to weed out of the mix. Yep, chocolate, and dating relationships mirror each other very closely.  

Have you been fooled in the past by fake candy? Candy that is 'chocolate-like' or has 'chocolate-flavor'? Yes, this is a veiled comment about fake relationships. Have you eagerly unwrapped the package to find that there was zero chocolate included? So incredibly unfulfilling.

What does all love have to do with our purpose? As you may know, I am passionate about having a purpose in life. I believe that we are meant to have a love relationship in this lifetime. Our mission in life can also be to raise the vibration of the universe by sharing your love with another human being. I think sharing our love with others is the foundation of what having a purpose is all about.

As for dating, why does it seem so dad-gum hard to meet a nice man/woman? Where's the magic, from days gone by, where couples met by chance and a life of love and togetherness resulted?  

Last December, I went on a fantastic retreat to Baja, MX, and Arielle Ford was the speaker for the event. Arielle is the author of "The Soulmate Secret." Well, I have always been a sucker for a good secret, so off I went.

The retreat was absolutely amazing. Every component of the event: the locale, the food, the speaker, the subject matter, the attendee's, was perfect. In fact, it was so great that I am going to create a mini version of the retreat. Minus the ocean or warm sunny weather (hey, it's January in Missouri!)  I am calling it the Soul's Calling Soulmate Circle.

It's a daunting thought to be pursuing your special someone in this digital, social media age. I am thinking it might be more comfortable if a group of us tackled the quest together. Each on our own path with our own goal in mind, but with the support of others along the way.  

I, for one, am tired of the thought of spending one more Valentine's Day watching reruns of The Bachelor. I want to implement some of the 'secrets' I learned on my retreat in Mexico. I thought it would be fun to see if any like-minded souls would like to join me. If you are part of a happily-ever-after couple, please forward this to your single, unattached friends.  

Check out the info for the Soul's Calling Soulmate Circle, here. It should be an enlightening experience, and I hope that you will join me. 

For the rest of you happily coupled souls, may your Valentine's Day be filled with love and, of course, real chocolate.

With Purpose,



Sue Brady