Winter Doldrums


Photo by Benjamin DeYoung via Unsplash

Do you find yourself in the middle of these winter doldrums, trying to get excited about, well, about anything? The dreary cold is not helping you get motivated. Today is foggy and damp, on top of the cold. This makes me want to stay inside in front of the fire. January is not usually a month, at least where I live, where you want to get outside and engage with nature. It's more in line with the desire to hibernate.

So how do you keep your spirits high and engaged in following your purpose? Well, I am glad you asked.

I was feeling this way myself on Friday. I just felt blah and didn't know how I was going to generate any energy to engage with what's really important in my life. I had a little voice in my head say, "I think a night at Barnes and Noble is just the ticket to relight your fire."

I am here to say that a night at B&N, with a cup of tea or your favorite beverage, is just the ticket to light that internal fire again. Who says bookstores are out of style? When I walked in the front door, there was a line of 20 people waiting to check out.

There is nothing like holding a book in your hand. Flipping through the pages gets you connected to what speaks to your heart. Anyone who questions what they are genuinely interested in, what their passions are, should spend the day at a book store and note the subjects that draw their attention. What magazines call out to them as they pass? There in lies a deep-seated interest worthy of pursuing.

I perused the book aisle, checked out the stylish notebooks, glanced at the seasonal merchandise on sale. I wandered the magazine racks, selected my favorites like 'Where Women Create' and a score of home decor magazines. Over a cup of cinnamon spice tea, I mentally redecorated my home. I pictured myself as a fantastic jewelry designer or an expert quilter. There was no shortage of creative ideas within the covers of the multitude of crafting magazines.

When I left a few hours later, I had an armload of reading material, and my head was a swirl with creative ideas. That inner fire had been relit, and I was ablaze with possibility.

If you are looking for a way to get re-engaged in your purpose, doing anything creative is a great way to get the process started.

Are you tending to your inner fire? This week's reading will answer the question, what can I do to shift my energy to fan the flames of my inner fire of purpose?

Have you taken my Soul Work Quiz? If not, take it now and share your results with me. Click the link here.

With Purpose,


Sue Brady