Living Someone Else's Dream

I read a fantastic book this past week, "The Book Of Mistakes: 9 Secrets To Creating A Successful Future," by Skip Prichard. In this book, Mr. Prichard takes you on an inspiring journey in the form of a self-help tale wrapped in fiction. It's the story of a young man that learns the nine mistakes that prevent people from achieving their goals. It is a quick, engaging read, and spot on with the wisdom and guidance it offers. I highly recommend it, and to entice you, I will talk about Mistake #1 today.

#1 - Working on Someone Else's Dream

"A life choreographed by someone else is not your finest performance." ~Skip Prichard

Oh my word, how often do you find yourself all wrapped up in somebody else's dream? How often do you find yourself wondering, "is this all there is?" Are you at a loss as to what your real purpose is? What you came into this lifetime to pursue? Instead of setting sail on your own journey of accomplishment, you find yourself just showing up every day, doing mind-numbing work, so that you can collect a paycheck.

Or perhaps you are in a relationship that no longer sets your heart a flutter. It's comfortable, for sure. Your partner is terrific, and a wonderful person but they seem to have grown in a different direction than you. Maybe it's the neighborhood or house where you reside. It was perfect when you had little ones at home. It had a big fenced in yard with room for the kids to run, but now when you look out the window, all you see is yard work. It no longer feels like your dream.

"Most of us play a part in someone else's play." The Playwright "The Book of Mistakes," by Skip Prichard

We often find ourselves at a crossroads where we need to decide which direction to take. Ask yourself if you are choosing which fork in the road to pursue based on someone else's dream? If we make our choices by how good they make us feel, we will continue to move forward in our life to a place of joy. We will be creating our own magic, our mojo. Our goal in life is to design a path for ourselves that helps us live our life on purpose.

Check this book out. I think you will be pleasantly surprised at the compelling message and helpful insights.

I will be away next week, but when I am back, we will start diving into ways to peel back the layers that cloud our vision concerning our purpose in life. Until then, start living the dream that is only yours to live!!

Join me on Facebook or drop me an email with what you are struggling with as you move closer to to your place of joy.

With Purpose,



Sue Brady