How To Change Your Life

When was the last time you spent more than 5 minutes doing what you wanted, when you wanted, just for you? And taking time to floss your teeth doesn't count!

Do you confuse busyness with accomplishing the things that are most important in your life? Hot damn, I weeded the garden, washed the kitchen floor, folded the bath towels, took the dog to be groomed, and this was all before noon. However, not one thing on my To-Do list that I accomplished was targeted towards achieving my higher purpose. Yes, I hear you that someone needs to do all the chores, but, if we expend all of our energy on the "must-do" tasks in life, we will never move closer to living our life on purpose.

So here's the message, we need to learn to honor our time and need to do one or two things first each day that moves you closer to your life’s work.

I am not advocating that you chuck all the chores and drudgery in your life. What I am saying is that you need to do one or two things first each day that moves you closer to your life's work. Spend 5 minutes as you are waking up, thinking about your life's purpose and ask yourself if there is one thing you can do today that will bring you closer to living your higher purpose.

"You will be amazed at the way your life will change if the first thing you focus on and accomplish every day is something that will help make your dreams come true." ~Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer

You may be feeling that you don't know yet, what your life's work is, so how can you choose to do something that moves you closer to achieving it? If this is the case, simply choose something to start the day that brings you joy. Doing something that brings you joy, will move you forward down the path, closer to living your purpose.

To make your dreams come true, you simply must put your dreams at the top of your priority list. You don't have to spend all day on them, just start the day, 5 minutes out of your crazy, hectic schedule, focused on what brings you the most joy. Life-Changing!

"Is there one action I can take today that would move my life's work closer?" ~ Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer

Looking for clarity around your purpose? Check out the Soul Sessions with Sue: Finding Your Soul’s Purpose Reading.

Book an Intuitive Reading here.

With purpose,


Sue Brady