Say YES to the TEST


Have you ever felt tested by God? I don't know about you, but lots of times the things God sends my way are just downright pitiful! I know for a fact, he has a ton more confidence in me than I have myself at times. And he most certainly moves in mysterious ways!

Back in the mid-'80s, I was looking for a job. I had been working for a temp agency, and the job's they had placed me in had been good ones, but the work was drying up. I had just used the very last penny in my bank account to pay the bills for the upcoming month. My wallet was empty, and my job prospects were operating on vapors. My lizard brain was working overtime, firing up my anxiety like there was no tomorrow. It took all my energy not to hyperventilate. Fear can be a paralyzing fire, but I managed to turn down the flame by saying my nightly prayers.

As I rolled over to sleep, I reached over to the nightstand where I had this ring of cards. Each card held a positive thought for the day. I decided I needed a little pick me up to help me drift off to sleep and decided to peek at the next's days message. The message was:

"Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Take what God sends you." ~ Unknown

I don't know the author, nor do I know where the wheel disappeared to but what I do remember is thinking, "Ok God, I will take what you send me. Whatever it is." Now let me point out that it's about 10:30 at night as I am reading this quote and making my promise.

You will never believe what happened next. Literally, 4 seconds later. My phone rang. It was a job offer. At 10:30 at night!!! WHAT THE HECK!!! Was God testing me?

To make this even crazier,the person calling had a terrible connection and had to call me 4 times to get the whole offer out. It didn't really matter what the offer was, I was taking it. I'm not stupid! I had just said, "I will take what you send me. Whatever it is." Now, this was faster delivery than Amazon Prime, and I wasn't a fool. I said, "Yes to the Test."

It was a miserable job! I was grateful to have it, though, and it led me to a fabulous job two years later. This miserable job helped me to push boundaries I had never even gotten close to before. It took me out of my comfort zone, for sure. It helped me grow as a businesswoman. It was invaluable when it came to learning how to manage people. It helped me to identify what I wanted in my next job. For these things, I am grateful.

Why this story today? I wasn't sure what to write about, I have so many stories that speak to me about purpose. I decided to do the card pull for myself to see what I needed to express this week. The card I got was "Miracles - Expect the wondrous to emerge." That night, back in 1980-something came roaring back. The night I got my miracle, just when I asked for it. Still amazes me to this day!

What are you asking for? Hit reply to this email and let me know. I would love to help you on your journey!

Say YES to the TEST

With Purpose,


Sue Brady