Doing What You Love

Have you been hearing the quiet whispers that are nudging you to try something new? Are you wondering what that vaguely uncomfortable urge to change what you are doing is all about?

"To create your life's work, do not feel you have to or should do something other than what you are doing. Forcing or pushing yourself usually results in resistance, not forward movement."

~Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer "Creating Money: Attracting Abundance"

Let me dummy that quote down a bit for you. Pushing yourself to 'find' or 'discover' your soul's purpose will most definitely result in brain constipation!! There is nothing worse than creative hemorrhoids when it comes to dreaming and scheming up your life's best work. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt!

The truth of the matter is, your life's work, your soul's purpose, has the seeds in what you are doing right this minute. Be it reading something that enlightens you, playing cards with old friends, visiting someone who is recuperating in the hospital, or searching out shapes in the clouds. You don't need to strain to discover it, just become aware of what brings you alive!

"What you are doing right now contains the seeds of your life's work."

~Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer "Creating Money: Attracting Abundance"

The secret to finding what speaks to your soul is to do the things that bring you joy and happiness. Creating a life that is fulfilling, exciting, joyful, and full of love will lead you to living your life's purpose.

My suggestion for you this week is to be the observer of your feelings. As you move through your week, completing tasks, chores, and engaging in the activities on your calendar, take note of how each makes you feel. What sparks joy; what leaves you feeling content; which energizes you? Is it the activity itself that creates these feelings, or is it whom you interact with? Is it the setting where it takes place? Which of your senses does it touch?

Your life's purpose and work will be discerned in the little details, not the big moments.

Your life's work will not appear on a giant billboard saying, "Look Here!!!" It will come to you in the small quiet whispers telling you it's time to consider new things. Are you listening?

I love helping women move toward clarity so they can live into their life's purpose. We all have things that are standing in our way, preventing us from moving forward. I am becoming a small quiet whispers ninja! If you would like help with discerning your thoughts, the whispers that float up from your soul hit respond to this email and let's connect!

Also, I would like to invite you to join Gina Nicole, my high vibing Angel Mentor, and myself on a very special call to discuss creating your own Life Purpose Statement. There are a limited number of seats, on a first come first serve basis. Hope to see you there. Signup here

With purpose,


Sue Brady