Decisions Decisions

There are so many decisions to be made every day. Some are small, such as what to make for dinner, what to watch on TV, or what to buy at the grocery store. Some are profound, all-important, potentially life-changing decisions we need to make, like what to order at Starbucks.

Then there are the shit or get off the pot decisions that loom large; the Dare to Decide decisions that can be scary, causing us to freeze in place and basically do nothing. Is this the job for me? Should I open my own business? Is it time to end this relationship? Should I downsize my home? Should I move across the country? Should I change careers?

These are significant decisions that can have impactful ramifications should they not turn out as we hoped. We are fearful of making these choices. We suffer through the 'what if's' should we make the wrong choice. We ruminate over our options. We literally get stuck in quicksand and the more we root around for the right answer, the deeper we get mired in the muck. So the best solution, we surmise, is to do nothing. Doing nothing can't get you in trouble or backfire on you, right? Maybe, maybe not but doing nothing is a seriously dull way to live.

One of my passions is working with Oracle Cards, so I got to thinking yesterday that I would like to put together a special Oracle Card reading focusing on clarity and the courage to make decisions. A reading that would help me to see what might be in my way, blocking me, and offering advice on what my best course of action might be. Coincidently, I just received some new Oracle Decks in the mail, so I married the new reading with a new deck, and I was amazed at what came up.

Today I am doing a 5 card reading for all of us. I am calling it the Dare to Decide Oracle Reading, in honor of my mentor, Bev Barnes, and her Soul's Calling Academy Facilitator program that I am participating in this year. Daring to Decide is a critical foundational premise of her program.

Daring to Decide moves you from just existing to really living, from meaninglessness to purpose.

The Dare to Decide reading will answer:

*What you are tolerating

*What is blocking you

*What your best course of action is

*What needs to be released

*Message from your Future self about the Outcome

I love helping women move into independence so they can live into their life’s purpose. We all have things that are standing in our way, preventing us from moving forward. I can help you with the Dare to Decide decisions you must make to move forward toward the transformation that calls to you. If you’d like to find out more about moving closer to your dreams, respond to this email and let’s get started!

With Purpose,


Sue Brady