The Call To Adventure

"At some point in your life, you began to wonder if perhaps there is more to life than another round of success (or failure) at the Standard Game of Security Building." ~ Bill Plotkin

There's a knock at the door, and I have gone to answer it. Before I open the door, I know deep within that something essential is waiting for me on the other side. The door opens, and I don't recognize what is there, but it feels "profoundly familiar." Is it just deja vu or do I know this person, place or thing? I feel the message, rather than hear it. I know in the deepest recesses of my soul that this is the Call to Adventure.

As I sort through what I feel, trying to place it, I know I must respond to this Call as if my very life depends on it. I know without a doubt that life as I know it is getting ready to change, whether I want it to or not. The thought of not embracing what is before me leaves me feeling lost and empty. If this were a movie, the theatergoers would be yelling, "Don't open the door!" But the damsel in distress always opens the door, releasing havoc into her life.

Feeling brave, I step out into the light, filled with trepidation. I see, up ahead, signposts with arrows going in multiple directions. Printed very neatly on each arrow is information about what lies ahead in that direction. However, the words are written in a language that only my soul can decipher.

There's no getting around it, I must read the signs with my soul, and follow what feels right to me.

Printed down the center of the signpost are the only words I can make out so far, they are "The Call To Adventure." I am being called. Called to wander, in search of a life, I can call my own. The life where I embrace what is most uniquely me.

Why does this feel so scary, this Call to my own unique life? The life that will light up my soul and allow me to use my gifts and talents to light the way for others? Why does it feel like my current life that no longer fits with who I have come to be, my very identity? Old relationships don't seem to fit. My goals no longer hold my attention. My attitude feels like it's shifting.

I am being called to step out, over the threshold, into the unknown. To stay where I am feels like slipping to a coma. A life of existence, for sure, but from a non-responsive state.

Have you ever felt this way? Like something so familiar to your soul is calling out your name, but yet you can't quite put your finger on it? You walk around it warily, examining it from every angle but you just can't make it out. Deep within you just know, with patience, it will all be explained to you.

The Call to Adventure is mysterious and can occur as if by accident when you least expect it. Many have refused the Call to Adventure and have hit mid-life with a crisis that derails them for years.

The Call to Adventure usually occurs at moments of significant life change, a turning point.

It's times like these when your soul recognizes that you are vulnerable to an attack on your flank and it musters the troops, taking the opportunity to change the course of your life, for the better, even if it feels scary.

Following the Call to Adventure will lead to your discovering your unique and authentic place in life. The place that resonates with your soul, your true character.

You must follow the Call and go off in search of the one life you can call your own. Do you hear the Call? Will you open the door?

Most people are afraid to answer the Call, but I am ready and willing. In fact, I am jiggling all the door handles I come across, hoping to find the one that is unlocked. Willing it to swing open and reveal my signpost, my Call to Adventure.

Along the way, I will hold my light up high, to illuminate the way for you too, until the time comes when you can decipher your Call to Adventure.

What's calling to you? Hit respond to this email and let me know. I would love to help you along the way!

With Purpose,


Sue Brady