Summoned By Destiny

I am reading a very thought-provoking book; it's "Soulcraft" by Bill Plotkin. The gist of the book explains the concept that our Soul is the core of our human nature, it holds the reason for which we were born, the essence of our specific life purpose, and how the Soul gives us our identity. I am immediately attracted to anything that speaks to life purpose and why we came into this world.

As I dove deeper into the book, I read that the journey to discover our innermost secrets can be facilitated by our venturing into nature. How in nature, we see reflected back to us, our deepest selves. The long and the short of it, our Soul feels at home in nature. This is what stopped me in my tracks. Just last week I was up in the Mountains of San Bernadino, CA in the cutest little cabin in the woods and I said those exact words, "My Soul feels at home here."

Over the past year or so, I have been on a scavenger hunt for Purpose in my life. Looking high and low and embracing what feels like Joy as I discovered the various gifts and talents I possess. I have talked about this recently, about choosing what feels like Joy over making logical choices. Joy always leads to your right life, a Soul lead life, and choosing logically can lead to living someone else's dream for us.

“The cultivating of a relationship with our Soul leads to transforming our life, which takes time and hard work.” ~ Bill Plotkin

When I arrived on the Mountain, it felt like my Soul clicked into place. While this feels like Joy to me, it also brings up some dread. Why? Because:

"A Pull toward Soul feels like an earthquake in the midst of your life." ~ Bill Plotkin

If I am to embrace the pull of my Soul, does this mean I will be moving soon? Will I be up-ending my life as I know it now to realign with what feels like Joy for my Soul?

Although unexpected, the call to embrace your Soul is "preceded by ominous tremors." ~ Bill Plotkin

Joseph Campbell referred to such earthquakes as moments in which we are summoned by destiny, our "spiritual gravity is shifting from the pale of society to a zone unknown."

Well, while I was on that Mountain, feeling my Soul click into place, feeling like I was home, I also felt the 6.4 and 7.1 Earthquakes that were centered 122 miles away in the Mojave Desert. As I continue to read this book, reflecting on the way the ground shook and the chandelier swayed, I acknowledge that my spiritual gravity is shifting to a zone unknown. I would be lying if I didn't say I am a bit off balance. My life has shifted this past year dramatically, in ways I never expected or planned for. To say the least, my life's been messy, and I don't know where it's going. All I know is I can't force it.

I must trust that my Soul will reveal my path to me when the time is right, even if that means I have to suffer through the building shaking and the swaying of the chandelier!

As I move further down this path of uncertainty, navigating the process of letting go of what feels safe and embracing the unknown, I will trust that when the shaking stops, I will be in that place where my Souls feels at home, sharing my gifts with the world.

Where in your life is the ground shifting? Are you dodging bricks as your life cracks and resettles around you? What gives me comfort in times like these is reading the Angel Tarot Cards. The answers to my questions are comforting, and the messages always soothe the anxiety that uncertainty can unleash. Maybe this would be true for you as well. Check out my Readings here, perhaps one will speak to you.

With Purpose,


Sue Brady