Where Does Your Soul Feel At Home?

I had a fabulous Fourth of July vacation up in the foothills of the mountains outside of San Bernardino, CA, and I'd like to share with you what made it so amazing. This may sound crazy, but in this little haven up the mountain by the lake, my Soul feels at home. That sounds crazy, but let me set the stage.

Pine Rose Cabins is a little slice of heaven off of CA-189, 45 minutes up the hill from one of the busiest cities in the world, Los Angeles. As you drive up the windy road that leads out of San Bernardino, you slowly rise above the layer of smog that cloaks the city below. Once you clear that layer you are surrounded by beautiful sunshine, tall pine trees with big green boughs that move with the breeze and the bluest sky you have ever seen. I'll put the link to Pine Rose Cabins down below.

I have rented a little studio cabin, right off the road and next to the pool. The windows are all open, letting in the fresh scent of pine trees, and the sound of birds chirping. As I lay my suitcase on the bed, I know without a doubt that my Soul feels at home in this beautiful place. I literally feel like a different person. At peace, connected to nature, tuned into the beauty and magic of this place.

I asked myself, how can I bring this magic into my daily life, back in hot, humid St. Louis? Let see; I have a cabin in St. Louis...nope. I live by a lake...nope. How about towering pine trees? Well, there's the Ash tree on the side of the house. The bluest skies? Well, not so much by the time we get to August, by then the heat is shimmering like crazy off the blacktop, and things get a bit hazy for sure. So what can I bring into my daily life that makes me feel like I'm on vacation in a place my Soul calls home? How about spending more time out on my patio, in the shade of that big Ash tree, listening to the fountain bubble and the birds that sing their morning song? That might just be the ticket to hold me over until I get back to my little slice of heaven in the mountains by the lake.

My Soul is from Elsewhere, I’m sure of that, and I intend to end up there! ~ Rumi

It's not about where you are but more about what you are doing to bring the feelings you desire into your life. I want tranquility and peace that is connected to nature, and until I can get back to the mountains, I can create that feeling in my own back yard! Yes, it will require lots of mosquito spray and possibly a patio fan but hey, what's a little sacrifice when your Soul feels at home.

Interesting side note on this trip. While at the cabin, Southern California experienced 2 earthquakes. One a 6.4 and another that was a 7.1, and I felt both of them. The second more significant quake had me running from the cabin as the chandelier swayed and the cabin walls groaned. As scary as that was, the message for me was clear: I may need to shake things up to create the life I am meant to live. Now knowing that my Soul feels at home in that kind of setting, it time to look at my end game and see how I can bring the magic of nature into my life on a more permanent basis. Where does your Soul feel at home?

Check out Pine Rose Cabins

With Purpose,




Sue Brady