Does Your Heart Sing?
“If you’re doing anything in life that’s not making your heart sing...then you’re notulfilling your role as a human being on this plant.”
Well, I don't know about you, but my heart is always singing, but I can't say it's always a tune I want to hear! Many times the unhappy song gets stuck in an endless loop!
This week's post is going to be short and sweet because I want you to focus on what is causing your discontent. You may think you know what is at the root of our unhappiness, but you may be surprised.
This week I would like you to write a letter. To whom? Your discontent. Sounds silly right? Let's look a bit closer.
We tend to be in denial about what is causing our unhappiness, and when we shine a light on it, we can gain clarity on how to move forward. By writing about how your discontent shows up in your life and how it makes you feel, you will be able to stop ignoring the emotion and information it holds for you. Write about the part of your life that is currently at the root of your pain.
So grab a pretty piece of stationary or a simple sheet of lined notebook paper, both will work. Follow my lead:
Dear Discontent,
You and I have been tangling for many a year, and you make me feel ...(continue from this point on from your own experience)
Whew, I feel better already, like I've shed a weight I have been carrying around for years. I hope you feel some relief as well.
I would love to hear how this exercise worked for you. Hit reply to this email and let me know!