You Are Responsible

I think that most of us have been searching for what makes us happy, what lights us up. Along the way, though, we have encountered obstacles that continue to fall onto our path to slow us down, making us take the dreaded detour off the route we had planned to follow.

It's easy to blame the various life experiences that detain us, such as a child getting sick, aging parents that need our help, or home repairs that have reached depth-con 5 proportions. Has anyone EVER had a leaky roof that fixed itself?

These detours can create overwhelm, causing emotion to arise in our lives. As we stand at the fork in the road where we hope to take the next step forward on our journey to finding Joy, we often times choose the path that leads to delays. The fork labeled "Responsibilities." This is the fork in the road that leads to resentment, and sometimes, misery.

It's time to stop tolerating what you don't want, time to acknowledge that you feel beyond miserable because of your current circumstances and start to follow the quiet inner voice that is nudging you toward the things that will light you up.

Yes, I know this is easier said than done so we will walk before we run and start to look at the process of following the call of your Soul. I think the best place to start is to get some clarity around your current situation. To acknowledge and clearly see what your unhappiness is about.

Restlessness is caused when we feel adrift. When we believe deep inside that, there is something more that is calling to us, but we can't seem to identify it, it's our responsibility to take a closer look. In the meantime, our lives are full of commitments and responsibilities that really don't speak to our Soul, who we want to be. We become vaguely unhappy. We feel adrift and restless, uneasy. How do we turn this situation around? I call this taking a "Restlessness" inventory.

Click below for a worksheet and directions on how to complete this exercise: Restlessness

You can't put an immediate halt to whatever it is that is causing you to feel restless and unhappy, but you can add 5 minutes a day of an activity that helps you feel the exact opposite of that unease.

By adding this daily positive experience of how you want to feel, you will open the door to acknowledge what no longer feeds your Soul and it will give you an internal GPS location to what does feel like Joy for you. Slowly your Soul will awaken to the Joy it knows awaits you and it will help you to have absolute clarity how out to get in touch with your Soul's truth.

If you are looking for more clarity around your Life Purpose, check out my Finding Your Purpose Soul Sessions with Sue Intuitive Reading.

With Purpose,


Our suffering comes from fighting what is…whether it is thoughts, circumstances, people, or beliefs. Try choosing the opposite direction and see how suffering disappears!

~ Pam Weiss

Sue Brady