Set Yourself Free

So what scares you? I mean what really gets you shaking in your boots? I'm not talking the jumping out of airplanes kind of scared, but the red in the face, oh crap, do I have to do this kind of scared?

For many years I was afraid of public speaking. I put off taking Freshman Public Speaking 101 until Senior year in college. In fact, I went dead last on a class project where we needed to be videotaped, and thank you, Jesus, the camera broke, and I got out of the assignment! Whew!

What can be easy breezy for one person can be another person's night of the living dead!

There's no telling what someone can be afraid of. However, I have learned over the years that what you fear holds the lessons you need to learn. In fact, my most recent shake in your boots kind of fear was creating videos to send out in my blog. Well, looky there, the world hasn't stopped spinning on its axis, and the stars are still in the sky! Did it take courage? You betcha! But after hitting send the first time I haven't looked back.

So how can you get moving on something that seems to be holding you in the grip of fear?

I have found by taking the task or situation, and breaking it down into as many tiny steps as I possibly can, I make it possible to take one small action step forward. When you take several small steps forward, they start to add up to some momentum. Before you know it, you are making headway in the situation, and it's just not as scary as you thought it would be.

Don't be held back from living your best life by fear. This week, take one tiny step forward on the path to setting yourself free!

With Purpose,


Sue Brady