Wanting Is A Very Good Thing

The entire Universe is set up to produce wanting within you! You cannot squelch wanting. You are born wanters. Wanting is a good thing. Write that down in big letters: WANTING IS A VERY GOOD THING!

Excerpted from Tarrytown, NY on 5/15/99

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)


Have you ever wanted something so intensely you could almost taste it? It's all you can think about, and at night it shows up in your dreams? It pulls at you until all the energy in your body seems to leak out. It's an exhausting hobby to acquire, but I'll bet there are a ton of folk who dabble in this daily.

When we were in our teens, we wanted to be grown-up, get our driver's license, maybe meet a boy! We wanted to be done with college in our twenties and start pursuing a career, perhaps with thinner thighs.

We cruised into our 30's and wondered why all of our friends had gotten married while we still waited for our prince charming to arrive. Wanting real love is a powerful want.

As our 40's progressed, we wanted that big promotion that would seal the deal for our career. For some, it came, and for others, well, the wanting continued.

In our 50's our wanting turned to asking the question, "Is this all there is? Didn't I come here for something more?" That was the big question for me, but for others, the wanting might have turned to thoughts of improving our health or solidifying retirement plans.

Wanting to know that you came into this life with a purpose is a potent desire. The purpose you seek doesn't have to end with winning the Nobel Prize; it just needs to feel, well, purposeful.

So today, as the last month of the year from hell draws to a close, what is that you want? Remember, wanting is a good thing!

I want all of you to find your heart's desires in the upcoming year. May all the intentions that call to your heart bring you the joy you seek.

Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.

~ Dale Carnegie

I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

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