Your Inner Giddy- Up


Michael Meade is the renowned storyteller and scholar who wrote the book "The Genius Myth." In this book, he defines genius as "The original resident spirit of the soul that gives each person inner purpose and a unique way of perceiving life."

I love books like Michael Meade's "The Genius Myth." I can fall down the rabbit hole as I devour all the 'woo woo' speak. For those of you who 'woo-woo' speak isn't your jam, let me translate the quote above.

"Your inner purpose and unique way of perceiving life is what gives your life, your Giddy-up!" ~ Sue

All my life, I have been driven by my inner giddy-up. It's the enthusiasm I bring to everyday tasks. It's what lights up my eyes when I'm connecting with someone over spirit, mediumship, reading cards, life coaching, finding your purpose, and ghost stories. It's the topics and activities that light me on fire, and it's the flames of that fire that are fanned by my inner giddy-up.  

The list of fire fanning activities that unleash my inner giddy-up is long. What makes my list unique is that no other person on the planet has the exact same activities, topics, and experiences on their list. Sure, lots of them can overlap, but my list is special to me.  

Here's a great little exercise. Quickly, without fanfare or deep thought, write down 5 things that you like to do that you rarely tell strangers about, and certainly something you wouldn't post on LinkedIn. Only your closest confidants know you enjoy doing them. These 'secret' activities usually are what you enjoy the most but also fear that people might look down their nose at you. They're what make you special...unique.

Ready, Set, Go:






Maybe you enjoy only eating raw foods. Perhaps like me, it's ghost hunting (that gets you some weird looks, let me tell you). Heck, I rarely tell people that I can communicate with dead people. Why just today I practiced with a friend who's grandmother Ruth came her name, what she liked to do, how she passed. That's crazy town!

Long story short. The things you really like to do that are off the beaten path are what make you special and unique. It's the flavor you bring to the world. I dated a guy once who's brother-in-law liked to collect and organize his underwear. Yes, special and unique, for sure. But being you is the very best gift you can bring to the world!  It's what lights your fire within.

What unleashes your inner giddy-up? What's on your list? You can tell lips will be sealed! I know you're special, that's what brought us together!

This week, in our card reading, let's look at bringing the things you like to do that are off the beaten path, out of the shadows, into the light of day. Take a moment to get centered by taking a nice deep breath. When you’re ready, play the video below and choose reading 1, 2, or 3.

With Purpose,


I help women who dream of a life with more meaning, but don’t know where to look, find clarity through coaching, and create an action plan to pursue their soul’s calling.

Sue Brady