What's Your More?


Are you ready to be guided to your more, the deeper meaning in your life?

Does it feel like you are floundering right now, looking for direction in your life?  

It's an unsettling feeling not to be clear about your passion and purpose in life. You can achieve all the goals in the world, but if they aren't tied to what brings you a sense of inspiration and joy in life, the feeling of achievement is short-lived. 

I know it can be disconcerting, not knowing where to go or what to do next, yet feeling the pull to do something. Ten years ago, I felt the same way, and it's definitely disconcerting. 

In fact, it felt so uncomfortable for me, I was moved to do something about it. I followed the quiet whispers of my soul, which lead me to study the principles and practices of Life Coaching and become a Soul's Calling Certified Coach and Facilitator.  

Using the Soul's Calling Coach and Facilitator Toolkit, I have created the Soul Whispers program. This program is for women who are wanting something more in life but unable to identify what it is. This program will help decifer the calling of your soul, moving you closer to living a life with more meaning and joy.  

If you are feeling the tug of something you can't quite put a name too, this program will help you see it in a new light.  

"Whatever you name and claim, you can manifest. A lot of people are waiting on God, waiting on the forces. Well, it's waiting for you. Your clarity, once you decide. It's about the decision." ~ Oprah

Are you ready to make some decisions in your life? Check out the full details on the Soul Whisper program here.

This weeks' reading will be on this topic of being guided to your more, your deeper meaning in life. Take a moment to relax and quiet your breathing, then ask yourself, "What do I need to know about finding my more, my deeper meaning in life?" Pick 1, 2, or 3.

With Purpose,




Sue Brady