I Could Do Anything, If...


I could just bust through the fog and figure it out!!

Do you feel this way sometimes? Why is it so hard to follow the calling of our soul?

Well, I am glad you asked! The number one thing that is holding you back is the little stories you're telling yourself. I can't do that, because of 100 trivial reasons that mean NOTHING!!! What if Betty Lou hears about it, she'll think I can't do that. What if what I want to do is outside the parameters of what my family thinks is acceptable? Who am I to think I can, ___fill in the blank__. The stories go on and on. Guess what? They aren't real!!

I am rereading the book, "I could do anything if I only knew what it was," by Barbara Sher. It's a gold mine of ideas on how to discover what you really want. Over the next couple of weeks, I am going to be sharing the nuggets that I think hold the most power to help us move forward to do the work we came here to do.

Nugget #1 Inside each of us rest a silent message about what is expected of us, and it has a powerful effect on how we run our lives.

From a young age, you've heard and processed, even subliminally, a message (or three) about how you were supposed to live your life. The things that were expected of you, and the milestones you were to achieve. These messages were generated by well-meaning adults who love us. They were crafted by them because they love us. But even though they love us, they don't know what our soul craves. What agreements and contracts we made before we came into this lifetime.

When you bump up against a 'supposed to' message, the kindest thing you can do for yourself is ask, "Who says?" Maybe not out loud to your mother when she is giving you the 'supposed to' lecture, but to yourself. Ask, 'Who Says?", and get specific.  

"If you want to free yourself from the restraints of what you're supposed to be doing so you can find out what you really want, you're going to have to be precise about how the messages came to you and who sent them."

~Barbara Sher

It would be interesting to keep track for a week, of every 'supposed to' message that lands on your radar. You might not be conscious of the messages, so tune in to how your body feels. If you find yourself squirming when someone is asking you to do something, well, there is a subliminal message there. It might be, "A good girl helps others before she helps herself." There is a message there for sure if your mouth is saying 'yes,' and your body is saying 'no!'

For this week's card pull, we are going to ask the question, "What am I supposed to be doing, and what is the story I'm telling myself about it?"

With purpose,




Sue Brady