Soul Whispers


“Your life is your message to the world. Make sure it’s inspiring.” ~ Anonymous

Are you looking for meaning and purpose in your life, but you're not sure how to define it?

Are you feeling stuck, not seeing a way forward, and asking yourself what the real reason you are here in this lifetime.

You've heard or felt the whispers for a while now. It's that quiet voice that tells you there's something more you want, no, something more you need. It's a call to action, to adventure, but you can't quite make it out. You strain to hear it, but you're left feeling confused and let down. 

 You’re standing at a crossroad with one of those signposts, the ones with arrows that point in different directions. Printed very neatly on each arrow is information about what lies ahead and how to get there. However, the words are written in a language only your soul can decipher.

I felt the same way, and it's definitely disconcerting. In fact, it felt so uncomfortable for me, I was moved to do something about it. I followed the quiet whispers of my soul, which lead me to study the principles and practices of Life Coaching. I became a Soul's Calling Certified Coach and Facilitator.  

Soul's Calling Coaching is a process whereby people discover their unique genius, claim and accept their gifts and bring them to the world in a way that makes them come alive. 

Soul's Calling Coaching is NOT about trying to help people FIX themselves. It's about assisting them to be who they are meant to be.

Are you ready to be who you are meant to be? If so, Soul Whispers is my program to help you begin to hear the calling of your soul, moving you closer to answering your Soul's Calling.  

"Whatever you name and claim, you can manifest. A lot of people are waiting on God, waiting on the forces. Well, it's waiting for you. Your clarity, once you decide. It's about the decision." ~ Oprah

Check out the Soul Whispers program here, you won’t be sorry! It’s an easy, gentle entry point on your path to clarity, to find what you came into this world to accomplish.

Sue Brady