Life Purpose - Pandemic Style


I sit in meditation every morning. It keeps me grounded, centered, and present in my life. I won't lie; it's been hard this past week. My mind is running in circles like Chicken Little with the proclamation, "The sky is falling." I know you felt it. I mean, did you rush out to try to by TP, only to find the stores were out? Did your heart start to hammer in your chest, even though you had a two week supply at home? The panic has been contagious. (Yes, I ordered my TP supply from Amazon, and it arrives Wednesday. Yes, it's a two year supply, but hey, it has no expiration date, right? Plus, I am happy to spare a square, should you need it!)

Today when I sat in meditation, the message I received was, "Tell others your message." I feel like I have been doing this, so I asked, "Can you tell me exactly what to say, so I get it right?" Well, my pen flew over the page so fast I can hardly read what I wrote. In fact, my handwriting was so bad I now am quite confident I would make a respectable doctor.

Here is what Spirit communicated to me:

"Having a purpose is what gets us through the hard times. Having something to focus on, hope for, put our energy into raises our vibration, our love for others, our love for self. The planet needs this RIGHT NOW!

Feeling like we are connected to something larger than ourselves shines the light on what our next steps need to be. We don't need to know the WHOLE plan at this time. Just the very next small step. Once we take that step, the next step will show itself. Maybe not right away, but very soon afterward. It's not a race. It's a journey, and the journey is what our life is all about.

There is so much fear right now. There feels like there is no one at the helm, guiding us to a safe harbor. I hear a lot of blaming and finger-pointing, and it's hard to see how we will move through this unprecedented situation.

I know I can only do what I can do. To do that, I have to know what I am all about. What is my vision for my life? What defines me at my core? What are my values? What shores up my spirit when I feel wobbly?

Of course, there's my faith. I wouldn't be able to fall asleep at night if I wasn't connected to my higher power in prayer. In conjunction with that, though, I have gone back to my roots to see exactly what I stand for. This way, I can make sure I am bringing my best self forward each day.

To do this, I have rewritten my Life Purpose Statement. Getting clear on what's most important to me on this journey called life. It has given me great clarity. Maybe it will do the same for you.  

Drop your anchor in the safe harbor of who you are and what you stand for."

For those of you who are unfamiliar with my Life Purpose Statement Webinar, I will put some additional information and the link below to the FREE Webinar and worksheets:

I've always admired people who knew from an early age what they wanted to be when they grew up. That was not the path I followed. I searched under rocks, asked questions, read books, sat in meditation. Sigh. It was the ultimate scavenger hunt for sure.

What I did find along the way was the realization that all the answers we seek lie within. 

What do I mean by this?  Who we are meant to be is already wrapped up with a bow.  We don't have to go out in search of it.  

When we untie the bow and look at our:

  • Gifts and Talents - What comes easily for us, like humor

  • Passions - Our favorite things to do, like hiking

  • Desires - What we Can't Not do

  • Values - The very fabric of who we are, our integrity

  • Community - What issues speak to our heart

We then begin to see who we really are. When the mystery has faded away, we can embrace our true essence and start to share it with the world. These 5 components make up who you are and what your purpose is all about. It's your Life Purpose Statement.

I have taken the mystery out of creating your Life Purpose Statement. Everything you need to know is outlined in this short FREE webinar.  

I would also like to add that I am a Certified Life Coach, and I am here to help you if your fear thoughts have taken over your journey. Let's connect, at no charge, to talk through what's fanning the fear within you. Drop me an email if you would like to connect.  

With purpose,


Sue Brady