TP or Not TP, That Is The Question


Well, actually, it should read, "To be, or not to be, that is the question."

However, what does it say about you when the highlight of your day is finding out that Costco is back in stock on toilet paper? You're now able to order 36 rolls!! What pops into my mind is, "get a life!" Or rather yet... is this my life? Is this the new norm? Toilet paper brings me comfort?

"To be, or not to be, that is the question:

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles."

~Spoken by Hamlet 

There's nothing like a pandemic (aka a Sea of Troubles) to make you re-examine your life. Are you doing what you came into this world to do? The work you are doing, is it meaningful, does it feed your soul? Or is it just a paycheck? 

We've been on the treadmill for so long that taking this break to work from home, is giving us the time to re-examine our life goals. What really matters the most to us? Does the work we do fairly represent our values? Are we able to say that we utilize our passions in our jobs?

Well, I am glad you are asking yourself these questions. To help you find the answers, I would like to share my Creating Your Life Purpose Statement Workbook and Webinar. It's free and quick, and when you're done, you will have a statement that represents what's most important to you in this lifetime.

The search for purpose and meaning in life is essential to who we are. In these crazy topsy turvy times, it is critical to know that we are firm in our knowledge of who we are and what we value in life. It's the anchor that holds us steady, in the calm waters away from the storm that rages around us.

Please share your finished creation with me. I would love to hear it!

Creating Your Life Purpose Statement - Free Workbook and Webinar

"The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away."

— Pablo Picasso

With Purpose,


This weeks question to ask the cards, "What do I value and how can I protect it during these topsy turvy times?"

Check out my YouTube channel to help you learn how to read Lenormand Cards for yourself.  All the answers you seek, lie within.  The Lenormand Cards help us access this inner knowledge in a fun and innovative way.  Start with video 00 - Spirit Vocabulary

Let me know how I can help you on this journey!


Here is my life purpose statement from 2013.

Sue Brady