The Power of Messaging


The car manufactures have spun on a dime. They've reinvented themselves and their advertising since the start of the Pandemic. Their message now is this:

"In times like these, we know you need a car you can rely on, and now you can buy one from the sanctuary of your home."

Really? To feel safe in these uncertain times, do I need to have a reliable car to protect me? I'm under orders to stay home and sit on the sofa.

Now I know this is BS, but it's a powerful message. I want to feel safe during these uncertain times, for sure. (And by the way, my current car gets 5 weeks to the gallon, do I really want to replace it?)  But it's a powerful message! It has me stopping to think about what car I would buy? What color it would be, etc.  

I'm telling you these messages are so convincing even though they make no sense. It makes you wonder what other messages we picked up as children that have stuck with us our whole lives? Messages that may not make sense anymore, we've outgrown them, and they drown out the quiet inner voice that is trying to lead us to our purpose in life.

I'm here to tell you that you don't need a car right now that you can rely on you; you need to rely on the quiet whisper of your soul. The nudge that's pointing you in a new direction. That voice from within that says, "do you need to be doing this, or would you be better served to do something else?" Follow that voice, and you'll find your joy, your purpose in life.

What message are you buying into right now that doesn't truly resonate with your true self?  Meanwhile, hang up the car keys; you're not going anywhere for a couple more weeks!

Oh, and by the way, 22 million people have just filed for unemployment benefits. But let's get that new car in the garage just in time to sit on the sofa and binge on Netflix. And don't worry if you don't have any money or are out of a job, we'll make your payments for 3 months. Sheesh!  

Powerful messages have a way of working their way into our thinking and can pull us off course. Take some time, during this shelter-in-place experience, to listen to that quiet inner voice. What's the message they are trying to communicate to you. I'll bet it has more horsepower than a V8, and it's pretty than all the shiny chrome bumpers you can envision!

Sue Brady