Soul's Calling Roadmap

Soul’s Calling Roadmap is the work of Bev Barnes

Soul’s Calling Roadmap is the work of Bev Barnes

Major Life Transitions

I told you recently that I completed my certification to become a Soul's Calling Facilitator and Life Coach, but I bet you thought, "What the heck is that?"    

What I now do is help people navigate the Soul's Calling Roadmap.

What's the Soul's Calling Roadmap?

It's the roadmap of your life. It's the journey you're on to reinvent yourself, living your life following your soul, rather than your ego. It shows you the process of transformation. It's a map of change.   

The Volcano on the map represents an eruption in your life. Something has exploded sky high and is raining all kinds of flaming debris down around you.

It could be the loss of a job, a divorce, the loss of a loved one. Yes, a pandemic that has forced you to live like a hermit, afraid for your life, definitely qualifies as a volcano.

The Volcano signifies the end of life as you know it. 

I don't know about you, but that sums up what's going on around us right now. Things are dramatically changing. You can't stop the change. You can turn and go with the flow or be run over by the molten lava that is pouring down the side of the mountain.  

You are feeling overwhelmed with emotions. There could be grief or sadness, maybe anger. There is definitely confusion and a sense of loss. It's a time of upheaval.  

You have to dare to decide to leave the Volcano, the old life that no longer serves you. Easier said than done, though, as you could quite possibly be in shock over the situation you have found yourself in.

When you chose to leave the Volcano, you are choosing to stop tolerating what you don't want.  

You become aware of your suffering.

You stop denying you are miserable.

You slowly make your way down to the Beach.

On the Beach, you spend some time in the in-between. While on the beach, you have to unpack your luggage and remove all your old beliefs, the rules you've been following for years, the "shoulds" you feel like you must attend to. Everything that no longer serves you.

During this time of wandering on the beach, you will look deeply at the parts of your life and see what still fits and what doesn't. You will stop tolerating the things you don't want in your life. It will feel both scary and uncertain, as well as confusing, exciting, and fulfilling as you start to Decode Your Divine Discontent and move into listening to your body wisdom.

You will dare to decide to look at where you belong. Who you really are. What you want to do. In this time on the beach, you will start to transition from a life lived from the ego to one lived from the soul.  

You'll stop living a life following the rules that don't belong to you.

You'll learn to be brave enough to see the magic in you. 

You'll excavate old stories, listening to the inner voice that guides you. 


You'll start to recognize and claim the gifts that you bring to the world that is uniquely yours.  

You'll uncover your passions, what light you up.

You'll pull back the curtain and see yourself for who you truly are, what your unique genius is. Once you do this, see your gifts and talents, you must use them!

At each point, you will dare to decide to move further along on the roadmap of your life. You are consciously choosing to take action.

Soon you'll be choosing a boat, which is choosing the way that you'll start your voyage. 

Selecting a boat could be selecting a new passion project to work on, or maybe a new career path, or possibly starting a business.  

You'll be defining the path you want to follow and taking action in that direction.

This is the shift point from the old life led by social rules and ego, to the new life guided by love and soul.

There is hope and excitement at this point but also fear and resistance. Resistance believes that your survival is at risk and will try to stop you.

Here are some examples of choosing a boat:

  • Starting something without having a plan.

  • Taking a leave of absence from work or quitting altogether.

  • Starting a blog about what interests you.

  • Getting up early each day and beginning to write a book.

  • Welling your home and moving somewhere that 'feels' more like home.

  • Ending relationships that drain you while starting the search to find new ones that fill you up.

Once you have set sail, the journey of living your life and navigating with your soul's desire is underway.  

The voyage is the destination.  

Your ego is now at the service of your soul, rather than the other way around.  

You learn to disengage from the outcome and go with the flow of your life, letting it lead you where it will.  

You find your courage!

The ocean itself is created from your desires and takes you in the direction that your soul wants to go.  

The ocean holds your destiny.  

The journey is a smooth one as long as you don't fight against the current.

The journey feels like freedom. It feels like creativity, having ideas, following them, doing what works, dumping what doesn't.  

When everything flows, you know that you are aligned with your soul's desires, and when it doesn't, you need to readjust the sails.

At each stage of your journey, on the Soul's Calling Roadmap, you must dare to decide. Dare to decide to move from meaningless to purposeful. 

On the voyage, you answer the callings of your soul, without understanding why you have that calling. You just trust and keep listening to your deepest knowing, even if it doesn't make sense.

If you are unwilling to choose courage - to dare to decide - then you'll stay in the life you've been programmed to live rather than the life you are supposed to live.

With Purpose,


Soul’s Calling Roadmap is the work of Bev Barnes

Sue Brady