What's Erupting In Your Life?

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"The answer to the question everyone is asking — "When will this be over?" — is simple and obvious, yet terribly hard to accept. The answer is never." ~ The Chronicle of Higher Education

Last week I shared the Soul's Calling Roadmap.  The most prominent image on the roadmap is the volcano. A volcano, according to the Soul's Calling Coaching process, is something that has erupted in our lives – and that volcano forces us to do something differently, to make a change. 

As a global community, we have had a volcano of pandemic proportions erupt in our lives. The Coronavirus is the big daddy of all eruptions. We've all been exiled to our homes, to work. Or worse yet, over 30 million people have lost their jobs. That fact alone will take your breath away.

But each of us can be struggling with multiple eruptions in our lives. A loved one with cancer. A marriage that has crumbled under the stress of being on lockdown. The loss of a loved one. The worry that you are failing your child as you struggle to homeschool them. A feeling that you have totally lost your focus.

"There is simply no way that our lives will resume as if this had never happened." ~ Unknown

When we are faced with adversity in our lives, we tend to resist trying to change. No matter how unfortunate the circumstance, where we are is more comfortable than the unknown. We have a strong urge to resist change, it's like a survival instinct. But the volcano forces us to do something differently, to make a change. 

Maybe you are one of the fortunate ones that haven't lost their job or been furloughed. If so, this doesn't mean that the eruption of the pandemic volcano hasn't shone the light on an area of discontent in your life. Something that you are tolerating. Something that is calling you to say goodbye to your old life without a vision of your new one. That's some scary sh#t. 

This week I'd like to ask you to look at your area of discontent to gain clarity on your current situation. Why? Because taking the time to look at your dissatisfaction will help you to stop ignoring your emotions and the nuggets of information they hold. It will help you to release the pain you are holding onto. Doing this will help you get in touch with your soul's truth.

What is the best way to get in touch with your discontent? Simply to sit down and write about it. I'm not suggesting you write an autobiography, a simple one-page effort will suffice.  

Get out a piece of paper or open up your laptop and complete this sentence:  "Concerning my purpose, passion, and life, my biggest discontent right now is ________blank____."  Then write one page that describes what part of your life is at the root of your current discomfort and restlessness?

Then flip your paper over, and answer this question, "What must change now?"

Besides being very cathartic and eye-opening, this process will release all that unease that you have been fighting with for some time. It will validate that you aren't making up this unidentified feeling that something in your life just isn't working. It's the starting point in your journey of transformation.

Next week we'll look at the crossroads where you dare to decide to make some changes in your life. In the meantime, if you would like to share with me, what your area of discontent is, I would be honored to listen. I may have some free resources that can help you on your journey.

With Purpose,



Sue Brady