Mission Impossible

"Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to..." ~ Anonymous voice on Mission Impossible

Image by Benjamin DeYoung on Unsplash

Image by Benjamin DeYoung on Unsplash

Many of you may be too young to remember the opening scene of the original Mission Impossible TV show. It starts with the secret agent listening to a recording, in some obscure place, getting this super important message they needed to hear to save the world.  

They listen to the message and have only seconds to decide if they were going to accept the mission or not, even though it could prove dangerous to who they are and their life. Then, the recording would go up in smoke, and some super cool music would play as a match was struck. The flame would then light a fuse that leads to the story that would unfold. And of course, there are some fantastic photo clips of women with helmet-shaped hairdos that were awesomely hip for that place and time.  

What's your mission right now? Are you at that point in your life where you need to dare to decide to accept your new mission? I don't get my new missions recorded on an old reel to reel recorder. My missions seem to be downloaded from Spirit or my Higher Self. One day I don't have the mission, and then the next day, it's poking me as it threatens to dissolve into smoke. I must accept it or the world as I know it will be threatened.

Wow, the world as I know it will be threatened. It sounds a bit like what we are experiencing right now:

"A new virus threatens the world. A deadly pandemic is declared. 33 Million people have lost their jobs. There currently is no end in sight."  

I don't know about you, but that looks like a whole bunch of smoke rising as the message starts to self-destruct. Where are you in the Dare to Decide cycle?  

The volcano I mentioned last week has blown its top. Do you stay on the side of the volcano as fire and brimstone rain down on you, or are you ready to move to the beach to access the situation? 

Whether you are one of the 33 Million that have lost their jobs or one of the lucky ones that are working from home, it is time to Dare to Decide. Do you continue to live the life that was yours pre-pandemic, or do you want to reach for and grasp the life that sets your soul on fire? 

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to live your life in the fearless pursuit of what sets your soul on fire! Nothing less will do! Who's in??

If you are interested in the fearless pursuit of what sets your soul on fire, here are 3 ways I can help:

  1. Intuitive Readings:  Are you are the crossroads, uncertain about life, love, family, or finances? An intuitive reading will help unlock the answers that lie within, giving you clarity about which path to choose.

  2. Soul Whispers:  Do you hear the whispers of your soul, but you can't quite make them out? Soul Whispers is a bite-sized coaching experience that will help you begin the process of creating a life with more passion and purpose. It will help you calibrate your soul's guidance system so you can feel your way to living a life with purpose.

  3. Soul's Blueprint Life Coaching:  You have an ache deep in your heart. You want a life with more meaning but don't know where to look. You are ready to find your purpose and share your passion with the world. Using proven techniques and exercises of the Soul's Calling Coaching program, together, we can identify what lights your soul on fire and fills you with joy. You'll be able to find the thread that's connected to your dreams, allowing you to unravel the magic of what's possible for you. We'll craft a plan, your Soul's Blueprint, that will give you the courage to follow your dreams.

Here is this week’s video answering the question “What do I need to Know about my Mission?”

Find Your Purpose. Share Your Passion.

With Purpose,


Sue Brady