
"Zoning out is your brain's way of saying 'You look bored. Let me take you to a better place." ~ Unknown

Image by Emma Miller via Unsplash

Image by Emma Miller via Unsplash

I caught myself on Facebook this morning, looking at the alerts in my feed. I follow a farm in Ojai, CA, that is charming. I love to see the scenery and picture myself living in that neck of the woods. The woman on the farm will brush the cow's forelock of hair or feed the donkey's hay, then collect the eggs from the hen house. It's freaking mesmerizing, and I'm not alone in this observation. These videos will generate 10k comments and 6k shares. Seriously, people are sharing videos of the cows getting their hair brushed.  

But today I draw the line. I got sucked into a video showing how she weeds the garden. Seriously? Has my mind turned to mush, and I need to zone out to a weeding video? By the way, in 3 hours, she has already received 1.5k comments and 171 shares. Unbelievable!! I don't want to weed my own garden, but it's super fly to watch you weed yours as I sip a diet coke from the comfort of my sofa???

Yes, my brain indeed wanted to zone out. I'm personally now in week 11 of house arrest, I mean lockdown. It's getting old. I can barely stomach another zoom happy hour. I am craving a night out with friends where we aren't sitting 6 feet apart. I think I need to get my Vision Book from January back out and reacquaint myself with my vision for the year.   

With our brains slowing down, and our Facebook feeds filling up with animal videos, maybe it's time to shake off the pandemic paralysis. I think we should start to envision how we want the second half of 2020 to turn out.  

I am toying with the idea of offering Free Mini Vision Book Workshop.  Not a full day workshop like we do every January, but a short, 60-minute gathering. During this time, we can dream and scheme about what we want to Do with the rest of this year. What we want to Have in our life. How we want to Be as we re-emerge into the world again.  

This could help chip off the pandemic paralysis that has settled over us the past couple of months. Lighting the fire within us to re-emerge feeling more robust than ever, with a vision of making 2020 the best year ever.

Stay tuned for details.  

Sending you lots of love...I'm off to weed the damn garden!!!

Find Your Purpose. Share Your Passion. Live Your Dream.

Sue Brady