Wowzer, That Hurts!


I had to get a tetanus shot this week. Wowzer, those hurt!! In fact, they hurt so much I googled to find out why. I guess what's happening is that your immune system is making antibodies in response to the viruses in the vaccine itself.

In my mind, I have a permanent filter running in metaphor mode. Everything that happens to me goes through this filter of sorts, and out pops a strange correlation to the actual events. As I was getting my tetanus shot, I wondered what exactly was I being vaccinated against. Was it for possible infections to come, or was I being inoculated against the year 2020 itself? There have been so many wounds uncovered this year, certainly a vaccine could help protect everyone involved.

Today I had to go to physical therapy. Apparently, I am old (I didn't get the memo!), and all the pandemic walking I have been doing is wreaking havoc with my muscles and joints. As the charming and very young masked therapist bent my legs in unnatural poses, he said something that went through my metaphor filter. I got a big "Ah-Ha!" He said:

"Listen to your body. Let it take you TO the pain but not THROUGH it." ~ Charming Alex

I have always been a proponent of listening to your body; it knows before your mind what's right for you, and it NEVER steers you wrong. If something feels uncomfortable, trust that there is a message for you in that sensation. You can dig deeper into the feeling (going through the pain), or surrender to it (take it to the pain), then move away from what is causing the pain. Either choice is acceptable as the decision is one you get to make. No one can make that choice for you.

The only constant in life is your body telling you what is right for you. It will never lie to you. It is your truth meter. Trust it. Take care of it.

In this topsy turvy year of 2020, I hope that you will continue to honor how you feel and make the choices that resonate for you.

Find your Purpose. Share your Passion. Live your Dream.

With Purpose,


Sue Brady