Striving To Find Meaning

Striving to find meaning in one’s life is the primary motivational force in man.” ~ Viktor Frankl ~ The Pursuit of Happiness.

It has been said that meaning is not something you find; instead, it's something you experience. But how do you experience meaning if you haven't the faintest clue where to look for it?  

I know I've struggled in the past to identify and draw more meaning to my life. It's not like you can pick up a carton of meaning on your next trip to the store. It's not piled high on an endcap, or neatly stacked on a shelf. It's elusive and hard to see clearly.

What I've discovered on my search for meaning in life is that it all starts with clarity. Clarity about:

  • Who you are, what makes you unique. 

  • What you want to do, what calls to you.  

  • Why you want to do it, what lights the fire within you to pursue your purpose.


Once you have the clarity you need, nothing will stand in your way. Clarity is a giant spotlight, illuminating the calling of your soul. It's the foundation upon which you'll build the vision for your life. The concept fills your life with meaning as you leap out of bed in the morning to pursue your soul's calling.

These past 3 months have really muddied my vision. I saw myself pursuing a particular plan of action, only to be thwarted at each turn. The current pandemic has put a severe hamper on summer plans. The pool is closed. A workshop I signed up for in September has been canceled. You couldn't pay me to get on an airplane right now, so scratch summer vacation as planned, off the list. I haven't been able to visit my dad for 4 months. Happy hour with the girls is restricted to online only.  

As we slowly emerge from our social distancing seclusion, I find that I am not clear, or as clear as I would like to be, on what I want to do with the balance of 2020.

Additionally, we have gone through a major episode of civil awakening. I personally am left wondering how I can change as a person to help support the transition that needs to happen globally. I need to reexamine my beliefs and my impact on the world. This is big stuff, and frankly, I'm left wondering what steps to take.  

Now that the second half of 2020 is here, today, I find that I need to take my vision for 2020, the one I created in January and put it through the shredder.  

I need clarity on what my vision should be for the balance of the year. I suspect you might be feeling the same way. Well, if you are, I'm glad. This means you are stretching and growing, evolving into the amazing person you need to be. The person WE need you to be.

We're all in this together, and we need your vision to help us achieve our vision.  

If you, too, feel like you would like renewed clarity around what you would like to accomplish in the latter part of this year, this FREE mini-workshop is for you.

This workshop will help you reframe your vision for the second half of 2020. I would like to offer my MINI Create Your Life Vision Board Workshop to you for FREE.  It will be a smaller version of the full-day workshop I usually hold in January. It will also be exclusively online.

Here's how it will happen:

  • We'll meet via Zoom (Workshop will be recorded).

  • We'll take the time to connect to our vision for the last half of 2020.

  • We'll get real clarity on what we wish to have in our life (Not someone else's dream for our life).

    • We'll identify who we want to BE

    • What we want to DO, and

    • What we want to HAVE

  • You'll get the space to map out your ideal outcome for the balance of 2020 and create a vision board or book to effortlessly attract your ideal outcome in the latter part of 2020.

  • Connection with like-minded peers.

  • We'll spend about 2 hours working on our vision as a group, then we'll sign off, and you will create your vision board at home.

  • Later in the day, we will reconvene on Zoom to share the boards OR book you created. (You can also create a notebook instead if you like)

For more information and to register to Create Your Life Vision Board or Book, click here.

I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

If you are interested in finding out how you can create a life that exceeds your expectations, a life with more meaning, sign up for your FREE Life Purpose Quiz, and start down the path that leads to your purpose.

Find Your Purpose.

Share Your Passion.

Live Your Dream.


Sue Brady