Vision TREk


“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” ~ John Muir

So the craziest thing happened today. Last week, I did a meditation, asking for clear guidance on what my next steps were related to work. Am I to pursue a traditional j.o.b., that comes with the safety and security of a paycheck, medical insurance, plus other benefits? Or am I to continue with building my coaching business.  

I know in my heart which choice is more meaningful to me, which one sets my soul on fire. However, I am unaware of mortgage lenders currently accepting flames from your soul in exchange for the privilege of homeownership. Total bummer, right?

At the end of my meditation, I asked for a clear sign from the universe about my situation. I then promptly put the thought out of my mind. A week went by, and I am out walking when I see a leaf that is torn and resembles a butterfly. Nothing earth-shattering about that. But what does make me stop in my tracks is the voice in my ear that says, "Pay attention, here come your signs." Huh? I look up. I glance to the right. I glance to the left. It's just the dog and me. I keep walking.

I go another 15 feet and come across some tree bark lying on the ground. It has an odd-shaped hole in it. I look more closely at it as that voice says again, "Yep, part of your sign." It resembles a ghost. Uh, okay, I'm starting to pay attention.  

I see several more torn leaves that look like butterflies. Butterflies turn out to be a heavy theme for the day. I soon come across a leaf that looks like a crown. I continue, by now, I am snapping pictures with my phone. I come across some seed pods that catch my eye, then some of those every annoying prickly gumballs. Man, you step on one of those wrong, and you can twist your ankle. I see a collection of 4 together. Snap Snap.  

Further, into my walk, I see a tall street sign that is completely overgrown. The voice says, "This is for you as well." Snap. I wonder what all these things mean. By now, I'm heading home. The dog is happy; he thinks I'm crazy.  

I get home and look at all the pictures I have snapped. Interesting collection. I wonder what they all mean. By now, I realize I have just completed an unplanned Vision Trek where you ask Spirit for guidance and set off in search of your signs.  

Interpreting your signs from your Vision Walk is like doing a dream analysis. You list all of your signs, and next to each Sign, you write three adjectives that you associate with the symbol. As you contemplate your adjectives and begin to embody them, you ask the Sign what their message is for you. Very interesting what comes up.

I won't go through all my symbols, but here are a few:

Butterfly Leaf - Freedom/Transformation/Amazing Change - Message: Change within that leads to amazing transformation on the outside. Others may not see the change until you come out of hiding and reveal the transformation to others.

Ghost Bark - Scary/Unexpected/Mysterious - What you fear is a figment of your imagination. Is it real, or do you imagine its there?

Plant Overgrown Sign - Hidden Message/Uncared for/Neglect - Where in your life is there a message that you've ignored? What is overgrown and in need of being trimmed into some semblance of order?

Seed Pods - Dormant/The Beginning/Bearing Fruit - You've plante3d your seeds for the future, and soon, they will begin to grow. You will be rewarded with the harvest.

Vision Walk Signs and Symbols

Vision Walk Signs and Symbols

When I was all done, analyzing all the signs, it was clear to me that transformation & change, and new beginnings are on the horizon, and I can't let imagined fears get in the way. I found it somewhat fascinating. As I was mulling over the message, I went into the kitchen. Glancing at the stove, I saw it was 1:11. Aah, that's an Angel Number that means "You have the support of the angels and should start a new project or something that will be of great importance in your life."

I must say, I'm curious as to what will happen in the future. Now you might be more like my dog and think I'm a bit crazy, but I find this all pretty intriguing. If you would like to try a Vision Trek to find the answers you seek to a situation in your life, here are the steps.

  1.  Get quiet, centered. Take some deep breaths.

  2. When you feel ready, tell Spirit about the situation you would like guidance with or the resolution you seek. Spell it all out.  

  3. Ask for signs that will lead you to the answers you seek.

  4. Head out the door and walk for about 30 minutes. Take your iPhone with you to snap pictures along the way that capture your attention. Don't worry about what the signs mean at this time. You will analyze them when you get home.

  5. Once home, look at all the pictures you have taken. Pick 5-6 that speak to more than the others. List them on the attached Vision Trek Worksheet

  6. Next to each sign, list three adjectives that describe the symbol to you. These descriptors are from your Spirit Vocabulary that you might not even know you have.

  7. Take your first sign and repeat to yourself the adjectives you wrote. Identify with the adjectives, until they become a part of you. Become the symbol. "I am the overgrown sign. I am uncared for, a hidden message, neglected." Then ask the symbol what their message is for you. "Overgrown sign that is uncared for, that has a hidden message, and is neglected, what is your message?" Then write down the message.

  8. When you've finished with all your signs/symbols, read over the messages you received. Is there an overarching theme? What is the one powerful message you got when you put them all together?

Try a Vision Trek for yourself and then send me an email and share the message you got. I would love to hear about it!

The answers we seek in life are right there within us. A Vision Talk gives us the key to unlocking the invisible door that keeps us from the answers.  

I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

If you are interested in finding out how you can create a life that exceeds your expectations, a life with more meaning, sign up for your FREE Life Purpose Quiz, and start down the path that leads to your purpose.

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Join me for a Mini Vision Board Workshop

Join me for a Mini Vision Board Workshop

Sue Brady