What's Next?


"The only people who see the whole picture are the ones who step outside the frame." ~Salman Rushdie

This past week was another fantastic weather week. Glorious blue skies. Warm temperatures without the oppressive humidity of the summer months. And the trees!! Simply magnificent. When the sun is streaming through at just the right angle, the leaves' colors are enough to stop you in your tracks. Several times this week, while out walking the dog, I did precisely that. I stopped in my tracks and tried to capture the beauty of a tree with my iPhone. It was simply not possible to capture the beauty and essence of the trees. My photo's left me disappointed.

It hit me today what the problem was. I tried to fill the lens with the tree's beauty while leaving all the supporting images out of the frame. For example, the magnificent red sugar maple that stands next to the old, white house in need of painting. I tried only to capture the tree when the old white house with the peeling paint was the contrast that elevated the trees red leaves up several notches in awesomeness. If I could cut out the house, would the leaves on the tree be as vivid?

Where in your life do you need to step back and take in the whole picture to appreciate something's beauty?  

For the past year, we have been ultra-focused on specific areas of our life. The pandemic. The election. Your job. Your health. It's time to step back, catch your breath, and take in the whole picture. What do you see? What supports you? What is crying out for change?  


Where is the path you are currently following leading you? Is it someplace you want to go?  

As this year draws to a close in the next close (there are only seven more weeks to 2020), where do you want to head in 2021? It's not too early to start to think about your intention for the new year.

Step back and look at the picture of your whole life. Look at what shines most brightly in your photo. What is giving you the most contrast and might look worn out? Is it something worth fixing, or is it time to let it go?  

What can stay, and what needs to go? What do you need to know about your next steps? Check out this week's card readings for your hint.

I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

If you are interested in finding out how you can create a life that exceeds your expectations, a life with more meaning, sign up for your FREE Life Purpose Quiz, and start down the path that leads to your purpose.

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