When Intuition Hits

"The only real valuable thing is intuition." ~Albert Einstein


So the craziest thing happened over the weekend. I decided to take my son on a quick weekend getaway. He's been such a trooper with this Covid shelter at home business. We went down to Hot Springs, AR, to dig for crystals at one of the mines. I also treated myself to one of the 1900 era Bathhouses and soaked in the mineral spring tubs—a real delight, one that I highly recommend.

Before leaving town, I ran out to Auto Zone to get some new windshield wipers as we were expecting rain over the weekend. I get home and try to install the new blades, and to my surprise, you need a Ph.D. in mechanics to make the swap! Ugh, so frustrating. I threw my purchase in the back seat of the car and moved on to packing for the trip.

Two days later, my son and I are driving in the hills outside Hot Springs, AR, heading for the crystal mines. I was enjoying the beautiful leaves, green hills, and the sunlight. I was very relaxed. I wasn't thinking about anything, in particular, just enjoying my surroundings and being very present. This state of mind is conducive to channeling messages from Spirit. Sometimes the messages are significant, and sometimes they are small, but it can be startling either way.

The message that popped into my head was, "I should look for an Auto Zone here in Arkansas to help me put my windshield wipers on." Then my mind responded, "Don't be silly; you're in the middle of nowhere!" Yes, I have these back and forth conversations often.

We came around the next bend, and guess what was on the right side of the road? Yep, Auto Zone. I mean, we are out in the middle of NOWHERE! I was floored! I turned into the parking lot so fast the dog slid all the way across the back seat of the car.  

You may not think this is much of an intuitive hit, but more of a coincidence. Call it what you may, but why would Auto Zone pop into my head two days later at that precise moment? I know it was Spirit, and I am grateful for the assist. It poured down on the way home!

My driving at that moment was meditative. I had no conscious thoughts, which is the purpose of meditation. I was just taking things in as they came to me, then letting them go by. I was super relaxed and in the present moment. This state of mind is what we try to achieve in meditation.  

If I could get this kind of message while not trying to meditate actively, what might Spirit tell me if I took the time to sit in practice intentionally? I used to meditate more regularly, but times have gotten busy, and I stopped. I think it's time to start up again. I will let you know what insights come up.

Are you seeking answers but can't seem to find them? Perhaps a few quiet moments each day in meditation can help you discover what you are looking for. Or maybe a good old fashioned Oracle Card reading can reveal the answers you are seeking. Check out how to get a 30 or 60-minute reading here:

I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

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