Decide With Your Heart

Image by Aaron Burden by UnSplash

Image by Aaron Burden by UnSplash

"You've got to leave your brain out of it, decide with your heart. It's the only way you'll ever have peace." ~ Cowboy "Yellowstone"

As we close out the longest month of our lives, have you found yourself needing to make any critical decisions? I feel like I can't make any decisions right now. There are so many things that are interwoven, yet not moving forward, that are standing in my way.

Think about the dazzling displays of domino's that have been popping up on Tik Tok. The ball bounces off the trashcan, rolls past the dining room table. It moves through multiple obstacles in the hallway, one of which can send it off its trajectory. At the last minute, it looks like it will miss its destination, and the cat pounces, shooting the ball in the right direction to bounce down the steps into the fishbowl. And the crowd goes wild!

That's what it feels like right now. Will you or won't you go back to work? Or work from home or from the office? Either choice will send you in a new trajectory on your path. Will the kids go back to school, or will they learn from home? Will their teacher show up, or have they chosen to protect their health and retire? And what the heck are the rules for a teaching pod? Anyone of these decisions will change the trajectory of your life.

It's hard to be working toward living your purpose when there are so many variables getting in the way of making critical decisions. Overwhelm is a constant companion when things are so uncertain in our lives.

The one tried, and authentic way to stay on the path of following your purpose is to make your decisions with your heart and not your head. When you're faced with a choice, feel into the options using your heart. Your logical brain will be screaming at you to follow the logic, while your heart will show you which decision feels right to you.

Think of a time when something beautiful happened. Perhaps it was the delight of seeing an old friend or the sweet smile of an infant. How did that feel in your body? That warm, glowing, fresh feeling is the feeling you should follow. Does your decision make you feel that way? Or does it feel like a 20# sandbag has been thrown onto your shoulders? Follow the good feeling to the right choice for you.

"Every choice has an end result." ~ Zig Ziglar

I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

If you are interested in finding out how you can create a life that exceeds your expectations, a life with more meaning, sign up for your FREE Life Purpose Quiz, and start down the path that leads to your purpose.

Find Your Purpose.

Share Your Passion.

Live Your Dream.


Sue Brady