Buh Bye To Summer 2020


Well, summer 2020 is in the history books and that chapter is closed! Amen! My word, this has been a miserable first half of 2020!!


I love September and the beginning of school. The fresh notebooks, the textbooks that are being cracked open. The array of new pens and pencils that seem to disappear by December. It's an exciting fresh start!

This year is different, of course. Most kiddos are learning at home, while college kids may or may not have gone back to class. The dining room table is covered in papers and there just isn't enough WiFi bandwidth to go around.

Teaching my high schooler at home helps me understand why the nuns of old wielded their wooden rulers so freely and effortlessly. I think about my parents, who had six kids, 18 months apart, and wonder how they would have ever attempted to teach all 6 of us at the same time. I am sure there would have been hair pulling and ruler wielding galore.

What does mass chaos due to homeschooling, hair pulling, and ruler wielding have in common with finding your purpose? It's all about taking life as it unfolds, one step at a time.

I don't know how parents who work full time are managing to home school their young ones, but I know they are taking it one day at a time. That's what following your purpose is all about. You take one step forward with faith, and the next step appears. You trust that something within you knows your purpose, and you move a step closer to discovering it each day.

You may not be able to see your purpose, but here's the thing. You don't need to be able to see it; you just have to notice what's interesting in the moment. You identify what feels right, interesting to you. You follow that feeling and see where it takes you. You continue to do this, and you will come to find yourself living a pretty interesting life. This path you are following of 'feeling' will lead you to your passion.

Take one step at a time, in the direction of what interests you, and the next step will reveal itself.

I am passionate about helping women find the courage to take steps forward in their next chapter, but often we don't know what our next chapter is.  

If you are interested in finding out how you can create a life that exceeds your expectations, a life with more meaning, sign up for your FREE Life Purpose Quiz, and start down the path that leads to your purpose.

Find Your Purpose.

Share Your Passion.

Live Your Dream.


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Sue Brady